Freewriting Fridays meets ChatGPT: Experiments for high-quality writing

Freewriting Fridays meets ChatGPT: Experiments for high-quality writing

"It's a really freeing experience to see how much you can get down on paper in 20 mins if you don't constantly self-edit."

By Rhea Wessel

Select date and time




Arrive, settle in, greetings

Choose a freewriting prompt, your own writing or a ChatGPT experiment

If time allows, one person gets a bit of guidance on the writing task ahead

20-25 minutes of writing in silence, cameras on


About this event

At the Institute for Thought Leadership, we help you find and frame the stories that position you or your company as a thought leader in your niche.

We help you become a visible expert instead of an invisible one by accessing and articulating your best ideas and insights.

One great way to mine your ideas and insights is with freewriting.

That’s why we gather every Friday, rain or shine, for a freewriting session.

Just show up. There’s no obligation.

More info on what to expect here.

N ote: In early 2023, Freewriting Fridays morphed into Co-Writing Fridays, where we come together to freewrite or work on an article or book chapter.

N ow we're doing experiments with ChatGPT. That's why we have yet another name: "Freewriting Fridays meets ChatGPT"

Sign up here for updates on our Friday writing sessions, INCLUDING POSSIBLE CHANGES TO THE ZOOM LINK.

***The best way to stay informed and make sure you don't miss out is to sign up below. Eventbrite doesn't reliably provide the latest Zoom link - you'll only know it through the newsletter signup:

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About the Institute for Thought Leadership

The Institute for Thought Leadership was founded by Rhea Wessel in 2019 and builds on decades of journalism and content creation expertise.

The vision is to enable thought leaders by giving them story craft and writing tools to express their own ideas and intellectual property (IP) to a global audience. Most companies have rich ideas and expertise that are not being tapped and put to use because of broken content-creation processes involving publicists and copywriters.

When subject-matter experts are enabled to share their best ideas, businesses flourish and can continually reinvent themselves.

By disintermediating the content business, Rhea and her creative team seek to accelerate the spread of valuable knowledge, solutions and ideas - connecting more answers that are already out there to more of the big problems faced by business and society.

Based in Germany and the United States, the Institute is already helping a wide spectrum of corporate clients including professional service leaders and scientific research organizations to articulate value for their stakeholders.
