Complimentary Semi-Private Training Session with Tim Hilley

Complimentary Semi-Private Training Session with Tim Hilley

Come get a FREE semi-private training session with Tim Hilley - a great opportunity to kickstart your fitness journey!

By Personal Trainer Tim


PT&C Gym |

632 Peterson Road Colorado Springs, CO 80915


9:00 AM - 9:15 AM


The meet and greet. We will discuss your goals and expectations, as well as any limitations or concerns.

9:15 AM - 9:30 AM

Mobility and Stability Test

We will test your ability to move functionally and give Tim time to assess any corrective exercise needs.

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Strength Test

We will determine how we need to start in both volume and type of exercise program.

9:45 AM - 10:00 AM

Future Planning

We will discuss how to proceed to reach your goals in the most efficient way possible.

About this event

FREE Personal Training Session with Tim Hilley

Ready to kickstart your fitness journey? Join us for a FREE personal training session with Tim Hilley at PT&C Gym. Tim is a seasoned trainer who will help you reach your fitness goals in no time. Don't miss this opportunity to work with a pro and get closer to your dream body. Visit to reserve your spot now!

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Yes! Buns & Thighs

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Yes! Subscribe on the website.

Do we have a Fitness App?

Yes! the PT&C Fitness App, download it on the website.

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