FREE Pitch Practice-How to Pitch to Investors & Successfully Raise Money

FREE Pitch Practice-How to Pitch to Investors & Successfully Raise Money

FREE! Pitch Practice! Bring your Pitch Deck. Learn the KEYS to RAISE $ and make your Elevator Pitch! Get Free Pitch Deck Template

By Steve Austin



About this event

Free Event! Tickets Limited!

NOTE: The URL link will be sent out a few hours before the event.

You are invited to a live-steam webinar/workshop.

Starts 7PM PDT / California time.

How to Pitch to Investors and Successfully Raise Money ... without having an MBA!

*** BRING YOUR PITCH DECK. Two or more Founders will pitch and get feedback in a safe space to practice. ***

*** Audience members will get a chance to make a NEW ELEVATOR PITCH and get feedback. REAL WORKSHOP! ***

This workshop is an intro to the longer pitch program. It covers the 2 main parts of pitching:

1. What to say, and

2. How to say it.

You will learn:

§ The 5-Step elevator pitch to get to the point in 60 seconds.

§ The standard topic for each page of the pitch deck, (for 90% of the startups)

§ How to use your customer “use case” in a story to show what your product does

§ The 4 key background points to set your pitch in the right direction

§ The key item 2/3 of pitches leave out that is critical to customer adaption

§ The essential key points investors are looking for

This workshop is an intro to a 4-day workshop that Steve has presented at accelerators in San Francisco, Silicon Valley, in Asia and Europe.

This content was derived by interviewing angels and VCs at over 100 pitch to investor events where Steve’s students were pitching. Dozens of attendees have raised millions in total.

Don’t waste more time with weak pitches. Learn how to focus on the essential points and get the deal. Scale your Innovation into Revenue!™

See you there!

Steve Austin


Steve Austin is a 25-year veteran of Silicon Valley and founder of Silicon Valley iLab.

He has worked with over 2,500 startups—giving him a unique insight into challenges and secrets to success. Dozens of startups have raised funds and scaled up after attending the workshops.

Steve has presented workshops in Silicon Valley, San Francisco and around the world. He has spoken at Conferences at Tsinghua, Geju and SUES Universities in China and at Techparks in Austria, Korea and Turkey.

Steve is a serial entrepreneur. He has developed and launched a dozen high-tech products for making computer chips and enterprise billing. He has been the CEO, MD, and VP Sales and Marketing. Steve has managed global operations including personally making $100s of millions in B2B sales.

Steve has a BS in Finance and a major in Chemistry. He plays guitar and hikes for fun.


We will send the zoom LOGIN to you a few hours before the event starts. (We had to change because the event got hacked last week). Thanks for understanding.

Make sure you sign up by about 30 minutes before the event - so we have time to send out the login. Its difficult to do as the event starts.

Organized by

Steve Austin is founder of SV iLab, where we help you turn innovation into revenue. Steve Austin helps companies make their pitch deck for investors and creates "go-to-market" sales and marketing
