(Free MP3) Support for PTSD | Mas Sajady Public Service Program

(Free MP3) Support for PTSD | Mas Sajady Public Service Program

(Free MP3) Support for PTSD | Mas Sajady Public Service Program

By XI Masati



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  • 7305 days 3 hours

Mas Sajady Free Event

FREE - Mas Sajady Public Service Program: PTSD

This free Medihealing from Mas Sajady may be helpful for any individual that has experienced any degree of PTSD, regardless of what may have caused it (war, abuse, trauma, accidents, etc). Play it for yourself or a loved one. 

Get Instilled in the Frequency of :

Suicide Prevention - Spiritual Clarity - Forgiveness - Self-Acceptance - Self-Love - Mental Health Frequency - True Understanding of the Situation - A Sense of Well-being - Greater Sense of Peace & Calm


Please Share This Free Medihealing with Anyone Need...

A natural response - yet PTSD continues to be stigmatized.   Ashamed, many soldiers delay seeking treatment for depression and other PTSD-related symptoms, often with dire consequences.  According to a report released on February 1, 2013, 22 U.S. veterans commit suicide every day- one every 65 minutes.  How many more are not counted in this report? This is an American tragedy.  This stigma must be eradicated.After returning from war, the life of every veteran and all who love these brave warriors is forever changed.  How could combat not affect a human being?  It's time to give back to the one percent who sacrificed so much for all of us. Payment is long overdue.  We must all do more and take responsibility for helping the men and women who served our country in every era.Photo Credit: U.S. Marine Corps photo by Staff Sgt. Gregory K. Funk We must have compassion and understanding for those who suffer from devastating invisible wounds.  And we must be a force- generating hope and contributing in some positive way to making a difference in their lives.     

Veterans from all wars, across generations, bear hidden battle wounds, resulting in a crippling emotional homelessness that can destroy their lives and inflict immense collateral damage on family and friends. .Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), while widely acknowledged among soldiers who fought in the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, are not new conditions. In the Civil War era, this altered post- war psychological state was known as Soldier's Heart.  In Jane & Johnny, soldiers who fought in WWII, in the Battle of the Bulge and D-Day, share stories on camera about the PTSD they carry with them to this very day.  While soldiers receive treatment for physical wounds, hidden wounds- their emotional and psychological wounds- go untreated by a system that is under-staffed and under- funded. Ignoring historical evidence from the Vietnam War, the U.S. government under-estimated the number of soldiers who would need help upon their return from Iraq and Afghanistan.

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