Foundations for Teaching Workshop

Foundations for Teaching Workshop

By Academy for Teaching & Learning (ATL)

Date and time

May 9, 2017 · 8:30am - May 10, 2017 · 4pm CDT


Foster 143

Baylor University Waco, TX 76798


This workshop is designed to offer a basic toolkit for new graduate student teachers (and new PhDs who are entering their first academic position) who either do not have access to training within their departments, or who wish to seek additional training.

This 2-day workshop will highlight effective teaching and assessment strategies for graduate student instructors who have not yet participated in any pedagogical training. Although the workshop is geared toward new teachers, graduate student instructors at all levels are welcome to participate. Participants will be invited to attend a variety of plenary and break-out sessions on topics such as syllabus construction, best practices for discussion and lecture, the basics of lesson planning, and what it means to “flip” the classroom. The workshop will also include time for participants to have their course syllabi and lesson plans peer-reviewed by an experienced teacher.

Many graduate programs on Baylor’s campus already offer excellent training for graduate student instructors; thus, the ATL’s Foundations for Teaching Workshop aims to offer pedagogical preparation to students who have not yet had access to training or who simply want more training within an interdisciplinary setting. In partnership with Baylor’s Graduate School, attendance at this workshop will fulfill the Category 1 requirement for the TEACHE (Teaching Capstone in Higher Education) program.

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