Finding Wellbeing through Poetry

Finding Wellbeing through Poetry

Explore your emotions, creativity and empathy in a meditative poetry reading and group conversation guided by performing poet Lauren Ducrey

By Lauren Ducrey

Select date and time

Tuesday, May 14 · 10:30am - 12pm PDT



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About this event

Research shows that poetry is like music to your brain. In other words: everyone can feel poetry. Come see for yourself in this online workshop where poems become opportunities for you to slow down and check in with your inner and outer worlds.

You'll learn a little about the psychology of poetry, experience a meditative reading and partake in a guided group conversation around original pieces by Lauren (that's me 👋). By connecting to the playfulness and musicality of poetry you'll explore your emotions, spark your creativity and flex your empathy muscles in community.

All humans welcome - No previous experience with poetry required!

Drop-in to any session. We meet on Zoom.

💲 This workshop has sliding scale pricing, because I believe poetry should be accessible to all. Both in concept and financially. If you're in a financial situation where you'd like a free ticket, please email me at

What participants have loved about this workshops:

"I emerged from it completely refreshed. I also felt reawakened to the value of connecting with other people centered on poetry (writing), meditation and healing." - Val

"It definitely took me to an inspired place of adolescent language arts classes! Although I used to feel more judgement when sharing interpretations of poems, the way you facilitated made me feel comfortable and connected." - Megan

"I finally gathered the courage to read my poetry out loud to others. Thank you so much, you inspired me in your beauty and freedom."- Julie

About the facilitator:

Hi, I'm Lauren: a poet, a mindfulness facilitator and a UX content strategist. I have two Masters in American Literature and Sustainability & Social Innovation. In previous lives I was a political speechwriter, a music journalist and an educator. I've taken all these experiences and cooked them up into this workshop which I've now led with hundreds of participants both publicly and in corporate settings.

I published my first book of poetry Tongues Tied in November 2021, and released an album of music and poetry called Cordes sensibles in May 2022 - in collab with fabulous artists. I was selected as part of the 2022 cohort of Moving Words, an international project between writers, animators and film makers. My work is also featured in Initium Magazine, Humankind Magazine and at

I perform live in NYC (Gaia NoMaya, Lightning Society, CAMP festival) and Paris where I co-founded the series of poetry events La poésie vous va si bien (in partnership with la Maison de la conversation).

C heck out my work at and on the gram.

Frequently asked questions

"Poetry sounds intimidating to me."

Don't worry, the workshop is designed to walk everyone through simple exercises, regardless of whether the last time you read poetry was this morning or in the 4th grade when it felt like deciphering hieroglyphs.

"Will we be writing poetry?"

Not in this workshop but we will be discussing poems and how they work, which can inspire your writing.

"I've already done this workshop, why should I come again?"

I switch up the poems we work with in every session so you'll discover new pieces. Since the group changes, you'll always get a fresh point of view on poetry and the pieces as well.

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2 for 1 deal
$10 – $35