Financial Literacy Lunch-N-Learn

Financial Literacy Lunch-N-Learn

An hour long webinar that helps individuals see where their money is going and utilizes interactive tools to help them stay on track.

By U of A Cooperative Ext. Financial Literacy

Select date and time

Tuesday, June 11 · 11am - 12pm PDT



About this event

This online webinar is an hour long session of a curriculum put together by Purdue Cooperative Extension that highlights topics regarding finances and providing the necessary money-management tools to assist individuals in areas, such as: Tracking Expenses, Wants vs. Needs, Spending Leaks, and creating a Spending-Savings plan. Join us as we take a step toward becoming financially successful!

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to reside in Arizona to take the class?

No, this online webinar welcomes everyone!

Can I receive a certificate of completion for the class?

Absolutely, please indicate you will need one during or after the class!

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