Financial Freedom For Women- Sugar Land, TX

Financial Freedom For Women- Sugar Land, TX

Helping Women Experience Peace and Clarity in Their Finances Without Feeling Overwhelmed.



Sugar Land Financial Education Center

12808 West Airport Blvd. Suite 309 Entrance Code 666# Sugarland, TX 77478

About this event

    What we're about:

    Learning how to manage money doesn't have to be hard but it does take some effort.When you join this, FREE iIntroduction workshop you will learn: How to apply Principles of money management

    How to effectively manage and pay off all your debt in shorter time. How to create a worry-free financial plan that works. How to reduce expenses and increase your savings

    By the end of our time together, you will have everything you need to determine what you can comfortably afford, stop living paycheck to paycheck, pay off debt, reduce your stress, increase your savings, and on the bath to a better financial future.

    To get the most out of our time together, make sure that you bring:Note book, Pen and Can-do attitude!


    James Richard - Eventbrite Organizer

    Financial Educator/Financial Professional 832-762-4998

    Organized by