Evening trip to Schinias National Park

Evening trip to Schinias National Park

Bird-watching & hiking or swimming at the sea & dining at a tavern? Mix and match your favorite activities to explore Schinias on your terms

By Early Bird Tours -Eco Tour Agency in Greece

Select date and time

Tuesday, September 17 · 3 - 10pm EEST



2 Filellinon str. 10557 Athens Greece

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

    On the week leading up to the full moon, join us for a lovely evening at Schinias National Park.

    About Schinias National Park

    Located at 50 kilometers to the north-east of Athens, Schinias National Park offers the perfect setting for a nature exploration trip. Its landscape is one of the most beautiful in the wider Attica region. The unique three-kilometer-long coastal forest tract consists of Aleppo and Stone Pines, Phoenician Junipers, Kermes Oaks and Mastic Trees. The adjacent marsh, the remnant sand dunes, the rocky “Kynosoura” peninsula and the pine forest are the solid example of how nature resists human intervention. This is a NATURA 2000 site, a National Park and an Important Bird Area (GR125).

    What we will do

    During the first part of the trip we will go for bird-watching at the Olympic Rowing Centre and at the nearby marshland. As the sun begins to set, we will take a short walk on Kynosoura peninsula and witness the moon gracefully emerging above the island of Evia, illuminating the surroundings with its gentle light.

    Not your cup of tea? You can take to the sandy beach, bask in the sun, swim in the sea, enjoy a nap under the pine trees and dine at a traditional Greek tavern. We will pick you up on our way back!

    Whether you are a nature enthusiast, a photography lover, or simply seeking a peaceful escape, this event promises a truly delightful experience!

    *Please visit the FAQ section for more details.*

    Frequently asked questions

    Recommended footwear, clothing, accessories & provisions

    Hiking shoes, thick socks, long trousers, long sleeve top, windproof-waterproof jacket, neck scarf, swimsuit+towel, hat, sunglasses, headlamp, backpack, hiking poles, binoculars, personal first-aid kit, sunscreen, mosquito repellent, tissues, bag for garbage, charged mobile phone, 2lt water, food.

    Before making your booking

    Please inform us in case you don’t have a headlamp, an appropriate pair of shoes, or any other item listed in the topic above. Please inform us about physical or mental health problems that might affect your ability to participate in this walk.

    About the pick-up point

    The address provided is only indicative and not binding! Depending on the day of the week and the bookings we receive, we make different transportation arrangements for our clients. The three main alternative pick-up points are Syntagma Square, “Doukissis Plakentias” subway station and the airport.

    Do you provide birdwatching equipment?

    We provide a spotting scope and a bird identification guide. In case you do not have your own pair of binoculars just let us know and we'll do our best to secure one for you.

    What is the best time of the day for birdwatching?

    The best time of the day for birdwatching depends on what kinds of birds you want to see! For many species, the best time of the day is early morning, while second best is late evening. The warmest parts of the day are good for birds of prey. Dusk and night are great for nocturnal birds.

    Where can I get information about the most important birdwatching sites in Greece?

    Your ultimate English language travel guide to bird-watching in Greece is called “Birding in Greece” and is a beautiful little book packed with super useful information! It was created by Chris Vlachos, Roula Trigou and Lefteris Stavrakas and published by the Hellenic Ornithological Society.

    Is dinner included in the participation fee?

    No, it is not. Dinner at a tavern is optional and paid for by you. We recommend you pack adequate provisions for a night picnic at the peninsula, so that you take full advantage of the beautiful moonlit landscape.

    What languages do the tour guides speak?

    Our guides speak Greek, English, Spanish and French. The tour can be offered in other languages upon request.

    How many people will be participating in this event?

    Our company caters for solo travelers and small groups of people, which are quite often comprised of less than 10 persons.

    Underage participants

    Underage persons can participate in our events only if they are accompanied by their parents or legal guardians

    Do you offer special discounts for underage persons and persons on low income?

    We offer special discounts on a case-by-case basis. For more information please get in touch with us before making any booking for your group.

    Do you offer custom-made tours?

    Yes, we do! If the date and time of this event doesn't suit your schedule or if you would like to make special arrangements for a different destination/different set of activities, just get in touch with us!

    Equality, diversity and inclusion policy

    We aim to provide a safe space both for our tour guides and our clients. We take particular care in welcoming women and people from the LGBTQI+ community. Harassment and discriminatory behavior will not be tolerated.

    About the organizer

    Irene Apostolidou is a hiking guide with a background in journalism and film-making. In 2023 she founded Early Bird Tours, an eco-tour agency based in Athens, Greece. The agency specializes in hiking and bird-watching tours and caters for small groups of people with particular needs or interests.

    Organized by

    €40 – €70