Europa@2:50 - ten minutes of daily mindfulness

Europa@2:50 - ten minutes of daily mindfulness

Because your clarity, resilience, and focus make the world a better place.

By @2:50

Select date and time



About this event

    Almost everything works better again if you unplug it for a bit, including your mind. Find the benefits of a regular insight practice without any fuss. Make yourself at home one time or for a while.

    @2:50 meets at the same time every single day for ten minutes of quiet together. No previous experience, no registration needed.

    The Zoom webinar goes live just before 2:50 PM EET every day.

    Why mindfulness? Because...

    • even ten minutes spent quietly can affect the rest of the day;
    • a mindfulness practice prepares you for future challenges;
    • your plate of ‘to-dos’ can likely wait ten minutes.

    You are welcome to get Eventbrite tickets to remind you or simply use one of the URLs to join.

    Why 2:50 PM?

    By holding @2:50 in the middle of the day, we acknowledge the vital role a mindful or meditation practice can play in our lives. Is mindfulness as essential as clean water, nourishing food, and trips to the bathroom? A growing body of evidence suggests that it is. Read about making mindfulness the new bio-break.

    If you're new to meditation, read: chances are you're already practicing.


    Frequently asked questions

    How do I participate?

    A short introduction is offered at 2:48 each day. You might, - observe your breathing and let it go in and out by itself or; - notice sensations in your body with your mind’s eye or; - visualize a relaxing scene or something you are grateful for.

    Why is it at 2:50 in the afternoon?

    By holding @2:50 in the middle of the day, we acknowledge the vital role a mindful or meditation practice can play in our lives. Is mindfulness as essential as clean water, nourishing food, and trips to the bathroom? A growing body of evidence suggests that it is.

    Organized by

    @2:50 is a daily mindfulness practice shared free with the world. Created at MIT and volunteer-run, @2:50 helps you reflect & recharge with minimal planning. @2:50 promotes no creed, sect, organization, or ideology. People join from around the world. We simply meet every day for ten minutes of quiet, and everyone is invited.