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Step into a world of endless possibilities ...


Date and time

Thursday, June 6 · 11am - 1:30pm PDT




12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

Session 1


12:30 PM - 1:00 PM

Session 2


1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Session 3


1:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Session 4


2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Session 5


About this event

  • 2 hours 30 minutes

The PORTAL rests at the intersection between terrestrial and celestial wonder. Here divine guidance flows from Earth and Sky. The cyclical nature of the seasons, as reflected on Earth, and the cosmos, as mirrored in the Heavenly Bodies, bestow us with gnosis. We are guided terrestrially through the plant world and celestially through the rotation of the cosmos.

Earth has a majestic link to the transitions of the Moon. We as inhabitants are led by her pulse and influenced by her nature. The tides rise and fall in her name and women bleed with her cycles.

The Moon is a luminary; it reflects the light of the Sun. The energy of the Sun washes over the surface of the Moon and mirrors its radiance outward. A celestial dance in the heavens is always taking place between the Sun and the Moon which gives birth to the lunar phases. This merging of the Yang, Solar force with the magnetizing, Yin essence bestows us with divine balance.

We gather to honor the Full Moon and New Moon as it relates to your personal natal chart. It's an opportunity for self reflection, accountability, growth, and self-development with the guidance of the cosmos. Each moon cycle a new sector of the birth chart is activated. It's inside this house of the natal chart that we find potent information and directives on where to start the journey.


Glowing in full form, she welcomes release. Collecting and composting that which is ready to fall away and dissolve into darkness.


When the dark moon is upon us, she can't be seen. Cloaked in the sky, she welcomes intentions to be nurtured and cultivated with the growing light as she makes her way back to fullness.

In the 30 minute individual session, we will work with a potent moon cycle of release to renew in conjunction with your natal chart. The chart is drafted up by your date, time, and location of birth. Each Full Moon and New Moon travels to a new area of your life every moon cycle. We will locate which natal house is being entered by the Full Moon and the New Moon to unveil any messages coming through.

• This is offered on our site as an individual LUNAR TAROTSCOPE session or as recurring session for 13 moon cycles, LUNAR TAROTSCOPES MENTORSHIP. Sessions are held individually over Live Video Chat via Google Meet.

• • • You are welcome to email us to set up your session time. • • •

"The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night ... " ☾CJ

Cole's highest calling is connecting people with their own innate healing. She has a deep reverence for the sacred power of botanicals and the divination arts, using these gifts to explore body and psyche in search of the highest evolution of the soul. She works intimately with the rhythms of the natural world to receive wisdom from the archetypes that breathe meaning into each of our lives.


Organized by

The PORTAL rests at the intersection between terrestrial and celestial wonder. Here divine guidance flows from Earth and Sky. The cyclical nature of the seasons, as reflected on Earth, and the cosmos, as mirrored in the Heavenly Bodies, bestow us with gnosis. We are guided terrestrially through the plant world and celestially through the rotation of the cosmos.

• AstroHerbalism is the sacred union of these converging realms.

• WOMB Awakening is the tap root.

Cole's highest calling is connecting people with their own innate healing. She has a deep reverence for the sacred power of botanicals and the divination arts, using these gifts to explore body and psyche in search of the highest evolution of the soul. She works intimately with the rhythms of the natural world to receive wisdom from the archetypes that breathe meaning into each of our lives.