Emotional Clearing

Emotional Clearing

Join me for a FREE 45-min emotional closet clearing session

By Basia Mosinski

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About this event

Do you sense there is something to gain by understanding your emotions and how they cause you to respond to people, places, and experiences? Do you sense that life should be much less stressful than it currently is? Are you disappointed by life?

Schedule a FREE, private, 45-minute emotional clearing session.

When you clean a clothes closet, you bring everything out into the open and take inventory. You sort and determine which items are still relevant, which don’t fit any longer, and which items are essential. Cleaning the closet leaves you knowing what you've got, what no longer serves you, and what you need. When you clear out what is no longer useful, you create room for new items that reflect more of who you are now.

Similarly, an emotional clearing happens in an exploratory session where based on the results of your saboteur assessment, we will identify and bring focus to which emotions keep you responding to life in ways that no longer serve you.

Emotions trigger behavior. Do any of these ways of behaving sound familiar?

People Pleaser




Hyper achiever



Book your emotional clearing using this link.


When you register with the above link, select a 45-minute slot where you are likely to be free from distraction.

I will send you a link to a brief and confidential saboteur assessment. When we meet on a zoom video call, we will explore the 1 or 2 top saboteurs in your emotional closet and see how they cause you to respond to life.

Come away with more knowledge about your saboteurs, ways to intercept emotional hijackings, and new ways to react to emotional triggers. Emotions are part of your guidance system. Understanding them and your response to them gives you the freedom to express yourself from a positive rather than a negative perspective.

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