Embodied Awakening Activation and Clearing Event

Embodied Awakening Activation and Clearing Event

You are 1 invocation away from a breakthrough! Participants will be guided through 2 foundational invocations to experience awakening!

By Laura V - Awakened Soul

Select date and time

Wednesday, May 8 · 4 - 5pm PDT



About this event

  • 1 hour

You are 1 invocation away from a breakthrough!
In the event, Laura V will lead participants through the two foundational invocations - embodied awakening and the healing invocation.

They take just a few short minutes to do, yet the experience is powerful and lasting.

In Embodied Awakening, the participant's Higher Self is invited into the body in order to experience 3 things:

  1. No mental chatter
  2. No challenging emotions
  3. Peace and calm
  4. And it's all effortless!

In the healing invocation we clear the layer of dense energy that is ready to be cleared right now! In minutes, you will feel lighter and brighter!

Come experience the magic of Embodied Awakening today!

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