East Charlotte Farm and Community Day (Día de la Granja y la Comunidad)

East Charlotte Farm and Community Day (Día de la Granja y la Comunidad)

A three-site, family-centered community day celebrating agriculture in our East Charlotte schools. Produce, petting zoo, plants and more!

By CharlotteEAST

Date and time

Saturday, May 18 · 10am - 2pm EDT


Merry Oaks International Academy

3508 Draper Avenue Charlotte, NC 28205

About this event

  • 4 hours

Celebrating the start of construction for the new Merry Oaks International Academy farm, CharlotteEAST is connecting three schools - Merry Oaks, Eastway Middle, and Garinger High - with school-based agricultural programs for a multisite community day and celebration of our eastside schools.

From 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at Merry Oaks International Academy (3508 Draper Ave, Charlotte, NC 28205)

A petting zoo (llama, alpaca, zebu cow, and more), a farm tour, garden programming, jump rope lessons, and more!

From 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at Eastway Middle (1501 Norland Rd, Charlotte, NC 28205)

The Soil and Water Mobile Classroom and a community resource fair sponsored by Eastway Middle and SchermCo. More than 25 organizations are registered to table (including Legal Aid of North Carolina, Refugee Support Services, and the CMS International Center).

From 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. at Garinger High (enter off Shamrock by 2548 Elkwood Circle and go left):

Aquaponics programming and a free plant giveaway (zinnias, tomatoes, and more) to the first 30 families who attend all three events. Take pictures with CharlotteEAST volunteers at Merry Oaks and Eastway and show them to our folks at Garinger!

Event will be held RAIN OR SHINE!

For more information, reach out to greg@charlotteeast.com!


Celebrando el inicio de la construcción de la nueva granja de la Academia Internacional Merry Oaks, CharlotteEAST está conectando tres escuelas - Merry Oaks, Eastway Middle y Garinger High - con programas agrícolas escolares para un día comunitario y de celebración de nuestras escuelas.

De 10:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m. en la Academia Internacional Merry Oaks (3508 Draper Ave, Charlotte, NC 28205)

¡Un zoológico interactivo (con llama, alpaca, vaca zebu y más), un recorrido por la granja y programación, sorteo de alimentos gracias a The Bulb, clases de saltar la cuerda cortesía de Jumping Dreams DD y más!

De 10:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m. en Eastway Middle (1501 Norland Rd, Charlotte, NC 28205)

Clase móvil de tierra y agua y una feria de recursos comunitarios patrocinada por Eastway Middle y SchermCo, con más de 25 vendedores (incluyendo Legal Aid of North Carolina, Refugee Support Services, el Centro Internacional de CMS y más).

De 12:00 p.m. a 2:00 p.m. en Garinger High (entrar por Shamrock en 2548 Elkwood Circle y girar a la izquierda):

Programación de acuaponía y un sorteo de plantas (zinnias, tomates y más) para las primeras 30 familias que asistan a los tres eventos. ¡Toma fotos con los voluntarios de CharlotteEAST en Merry Oaks y Eastway y muéstraselas a nuestra gente en Garinger!

Para obtener más información, comuníquese con greg@charlotteeast.com.

Frequently asked questions

Is the event free?

Yes! We encourage you to bring the whole family to all three sites.

How do I get between sites?

Walking or taking the CATS 9 route between Merry Oaks and Eastway is achievable in 25 minutes, though parking is available at all sites. You can get between Merry Oaks/Eastway and Garinger via CATS 39 route or car.

In what order should I attend the sites?

It doesn't matter - Merry Oaks and Eastway will run from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., and Garinger will run from 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

What happens if I attend all three sites?

You get a free plant, courtesy of the Garinger agriculture program!

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