Dr. Bruce Lipton in NYC - The Grand Convergence of Science & Spirituality

Join us for an enlightening, eye-opening event with Dr. Bruce Lipton in NYC where science and spirituality collide in a grand convergence!

By Mitchell Rabin, A Better World & Alan Steinfeld, New Realities

Date and time

Saturday, August 3 · 12 - 6pm EDT


The Church of the Village

201 West 13th Street New York, NY 10011

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.


World-Renowned, Conscious Musician-Composer Kristin Hoffmann to Perform

We are deeply grateful to have the much beloved, world-renowned, conscious musician Kristin Hoffmann, will open the event with her beautiful music and singing. She creates an atmosphere of peace and...

About this event

  • 6 hours

Welcome to world-renowned cellular biologist, speaker & author Dr. Bruce Lipton premiere event in NYC , first time speaking here in nearly 10 years.

This special event will open with the angelic voice & music of the greatly-loved Kristin Hoffmann, a conscious musician whose music has been enjoyed all over the world.

The Grand Convergence of Science & Spirituality at The Church of the Village on Sat., Aug. 03, 2024 from 12-6 PM for an engaging discussion with Dr. Bruce Lipton.

Explore the intersection of science & spirituality and discover how these two seemingly different realms come together to create a more holistic understanding of the world around us.

Early Bird 10% Discount Available until July 15

A Better World & New Realities, Mitchell Rabin & Alan Steinfeld have come together again to produce this special event as both are good friends with Dr. Lipton and were among the first in media to recognize his brilliance at the early stages of his teaching career--Mitchell has been saying for years that Lipton's breakthrough in understanding Mind-Belief-Body Biology should be awarded a Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Don't miss this unique opportunity of this world-renowned teacher in NYC for the first time in years. Expand your knowledge & connect with like-minded individuals. See you there!

Seats are limited. Get the Early Bird discount by reserving your spot early.

Frequently asked questions

What books has Dr. Bruce Lipton written?

The Biology of Belief. The Honeymoon Effect, Spontaneous Evolution, Conscious Evolution: Thriving in a World of Change, New Biology…New Medicine The Fall and Rise of Vitalism. Plus a dozen audio streaming books & courses.

I've heard of him through Hay House & elswehere. What is Dr. Lipton so well known for?

Dr. Lipton is world-renowned for his groundbreaking, Nobel-prize level research into how mind & beliefs affect our cells. He is a father of Epigenetics, ultimately "the great empowerment", putting us, not our genes, "in the driver's seat". & much more. It will be an empowering event.

When was Bruce Lipton last teaching in NYC?

Around 2015, nearly 10 years. Through a long-term friendship with host/producer Mitchell Rabin of A Better World Radio & TV, they decided that it was "high time" to bring Bruce back to NYC. This is a unique opportunity to see Bruce speak in person in NYC & to hear the angelic Kristin Hoffmann.

I want to be there in person. A wonderful community that Bruce has. But will it be livestreamed?

It's much better to be in person if you and your colleagues & friends can be. And, if the event sells out which we expect, we will livestream it. Check back with us closer to the event, Aug. 3.

Is there parking near the event?

Yes, there are several garages: 107 W. 13th St., 101 W. 12th St., 101 W. 15th St., 309 W. 14th St. just to name a few. The venue is at the Church of The Village, on the Northwest corner of 13th St. & 7th Ave.

Aren't Bruce Lipton, Greg Braden & Joe Dispenza good friends?

Yes they are. They have done many events together. Their work & thinking converge on so many important levels, so those who follow one of them are really inclined to also follow the others as there is engaging and useful overlap.

6 hours is a long time. Will there be breaks?

Yes, there will be several breaks throughout the day. The venue is in the middle of the bustling West Village, lots of restaurants & shops to pick something up easily enough during a break. After one break, Mitchell Rabin & Bruce Lipton will have a dialogue.

Will there be music or anything else during the 6-hour afternoon?

Indeed. We are deeply grateful to have the beloved, world-renowned, conscious musician Kristin Hoffmann, will open the event with her beautiful music and singing. She creates an atmosphere of peace & well-being, setting a tone for the day. Later in the day, Mitchell & Bruce will hold dialogue.

Organized by

Mitchell Rabin, holistic psychotherapist, life coach, teacher, producer & host of A Better World Radio & TV, has been advancing New Paradigm, Holistic, out-of-the-box thinking for decades. www.abetterworld.tv  www.mitchellrabin.com.

Alan Steinfeld, host & producer of the radio and TV programs, New Realities, with a background in acupuncture and leader in the New Age community in NY.

Mitchell and Alan are interviewed in the film, are both Board members of FIONS (Friends of the Institute of Noetic Sciences), on the Advisory Board of Source of Synergy and active leaders in NYC of the transformational and evolutionary community.

10% off applied
From $163.40