Does God Answer Prayers? (3rd Sun, 11AM-in-person)

Connect with the most sacred part of yourself, Soul—an eternal and creative spiritual being. (in person, with English & Spanish breakouts)

By Eckankar in Texas


ECK Temple of South Texas

1603 West Lullwood Avenue San Antonio, TX 78201

About this event

Connect with the most sacred part of yourself, Soul—an eternal and creative spiritual being. Receive new insights and magnify love in your life through the Light and Sound of God. Every part of the service—stories, discussions, creative arts, and a spiritual exercise—show how the Light and Sound are part of our very being.

ECK Light and Sound Services (varying titles) are held each first, third, and fifth Sunday at the ECK Temple of South Texas, 1603 W. Lullwood, San Antonio, TX 78201.

Experience the sacred sound of HU in a ten-minute spiritual exercise. It can open your heart to divine love, healing, and inner guidance.

This event is in English, with a reading and small group discussions in both English and Spanish.

Eckankar welcomes people of all faiths and walks of life. You’re free to take part or listen quietly.

Please invite a friend and join us. You do not have to be a member of this Meetup group to attend.

Meetup is the easiest way to find the many in-person and Zoom events we host locally and around Texas. Visit our San Antonio area Meetup at

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