Distance Healing Day - Yay!

Distance Healing Day - Yay!

Receive a powerful healing from the comfort of your daily life - without having to do a darn thing!

By Tiffany Box

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About this event


No call to make. Nothing to login into. That’s right, whatever you are already doing that day and where ever you happen to be, you will experience the wonderful benefits of healings, clearings, blessings, and downloads. By whom? Me and my spiritual healing team, of course!

Distance Healing Day happens every other Monday.

What happens during this healing? First, I focus on healing the group as a whole and I channel the most important things that need to be healed for everyone in the group.

Second, as a bonus, I also give an individual healing for each person. The beauty there is that each person in the group benefits from everyone else’s healing. I will clear out foreign energies and raise your frequency, among many other things. Listed below in the details.

For your individual healing, you can private message me via Facebook exactly what you want me to work on. Or just leave it up to me to tap into my knowingness of what will help you the most.

Continue reading below if you want more details.


What’s so special about remote healing? I get to work with you on a soul level instead of by a usual one-on-one conversation, which allows me to bypass your conscious mind and get right down to juicy healing business! It is just as powerful and effective (usually more) as an in-person healing.

The concept of hosting an event that nobody attends in person or electronically is fairly new, so let me explain: Your soul attends the event on the spiritual plane and receives the healings and downloads. All you need to do for your soul to be included in this healing container is sign up. That sets your intention. In the healing, I additionally help to clear the channels between you and your soul, the “clair-” channels such as clairvoyance and clairaudience, so that you get more direct access to your higher information. So, there’s no logging in or watching what’s happening – it’s all taken care of for you. How does it get any easier than that? Yay!

Extra Super Bonus!

Everyone will also receive an INDIVIDUAL healing, which means I work on you one at a time in addition to working on the group as a whole.

The beautiful thing about group clearings is that each person brings their own personal brand of magic, and everyone benefits from everyone else’s individual healings. Plus, healings are more powerful when a group of people set healing intentions together.

In this container we will clear out fear, grief & anger that has been coming up during this crazy time in the collective to be healed. Then I will play intuitively with what shows up. I heal and clear whatever I am guided to. It’s new and specific every time, and sometimes even surprises ME.

What you are guaranteed to receive:

My healing team and I will:

  • Ground and protect you in the way that works best for you. No cookie-cutter approach.
  • Clear foreign energies and low vibrational energies and replace them with higher frequencies.
  • Pull in your energy so your field is not blown out. Then you’ll begin to stop picking up on energy that isn’t yours.
  • Clear your intuitive channels and turn them inwards. This will help you tune into yourself instead of everyone else, and thus you’ll receive more accurate information.
  • Remove energetic cords connecting you to other people, places, and things.
  • Clear beings from your body and energetic space and revoke and clear your karma, agreements and contracts. This will remove A LOT of fear from your body.
  • Connect your soul to your body and your body to your soul so they communicate 100%. This is one of my ABSOLUTE favorites!

…plus whatever amazing gifts show up. You will receive healings, blessings, gifts, and downloads. All the events will vary in direction as guided by my soul for what will benefit the group the most at that time.


The healing starts at 2pm and lasts AT LEAST 2 hours. I will go as long as it takes to include everyone’s individual healings. In the past, group healings have lasted up to 5 hours.


After you have purchased your event ticket through the "Tickets" link above, you can send your individual healing request to me through Facebook private messenger.

Want to include loved ones? They can be human or a pet and even those who have passed on to the other realm. Just purchase additional tickets for them and be sure to list their full name in the ticket shopping cart comments. Then, via Facebook private messenger send me anything you would like me to focus on healing for them.

Nobody likes missing out. If you cannot afford to attend, but are feeling called to be included, then please message me privately and we will see what we can work out.

People have been asking me why I’m charging so little for such a big offering. The simple answer is that I listen to my soul, and my soul guided me to offer this healing for this much money at this time. My intention is to offer a low barrier to entry healing that is accessible to everyone. Because, let’s be serious, we all need some extra love and support right about now, don’t you think?

Looking forward to playing with you in the quantum field!

Love & Sparkles,


About Me

If you are somebody who loooooooooves more details, here is some information about my training and approach:

Tiffany Box was born an empathic intuitive healer before most of the world even knew what the heck that was. She has spent her entire life seeking to understand, strengthen, and use her gifts. This turned into over 20 years of experience and thousands of hours of training. She now uses her own modality, The Tiffany Technique, which is quantum field alchemical healing directly downloaded by her soul.

At age 17 she became a Reiki Master. After that she attended every single personal growth and healing class she could find. She has also been certified as a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master, Shamanic Pachakuti Mesa Carrier, Family Constellation Facilitator and is an Ordained Minister. She has trained in Matrix Energetics, Access Consciousness, Spiritual Response Therapy, Quantum Healing Hypnosis (past life clearing), traditional hypnotherapy, Emotion & Body Code, Space Clearing, and many other energy healing modalities.

Recognizing Tiffany’s constant devotion to learning how to heal herself and others, professional healers have remarked that she has the equivalent of a Ph.D. in healing. Healing is ingrained in her soul. She couldn't choose to be anything else, even if she wanted to. This is her life path and she walks it with skill and confidence.

Tiffany's inherent internal wisdom, her Knowingness, downloads from her soul -- not her brain -- and her soul is very wise. One of her superpowers is that she sees the truth of you and shares it with you in bite-sized doses -- in a way that you feel safe enough to look at it yourself.

Since she was born she has known that she is a soul looking to fulfill her higher purpose on this planet: To give love and joy to others -- to _be_ love and to _be_ joy, which are two of the highest-frequency vibrations. She is here on a mission of being her joy-love self and of having this vibration, that she so completely embodies, benefit the world in which she is.

Wanna like my page? Click here!: https://www.facebook.com/misstiffanybox

Organized by

$25 – $222