Discover and Leverage Your Unique Personality Traits - Baltimore

Discover and Leverage Your Unique Personality Traits - Baltimore

Discover what motivates and moves you so you can have more energy and passion to create the life,relationships and business you desire.

By Prime Properties



About this event


Could mastering your unique DRIVE type potentially revolutionize every aspect of your life, relationships, and business? Let's find out together!

Join us at our enlightening event as we delve into the heart of the DRIVE Sales System, providing you with actionable insights and advice tailored to your individual DRIVE type.

Personal and professional enrichment isn't a 'one size fits all' proposition. That's why understanding your unique DRIVE type—Director, Relator, Intellectual, Validator, Executive—is irreplaceable. Your primary DRIVE type represents your core motivations, while your secondary DRIVE type reflects how you likely achieve your goals.

Our DRIVE-focused event is centered on helping you understand and leverage your unique combination, empowering you in all areas of your life.

What the event covers:

  • Leadership Style: Uncover your inherent leadership capabilities based on your DRIVE type, and how to effectively motivate and inspire your team.
  • Challenges: Explore the unique obstacles your DRIVE type might face and learn adaptive strategies to overcome them with finesse.
  • Influence & Internal Validation: Understand your abilities to sway opinions, how to effectively influence others and bolster your self-confidence.
  • Relationship Dynamics: Learn how your DRIVE type impacts your relationships, be it romantic, professional or platonic, enabling a deeper level of connection and understanding.
  • Career Fit: Discover which professions are best in line with your DRIVE type, formulating a career path that is not only successful but equally fulfilling.
  • Sales Techniques: Uncover powerful sales strategies, closing techniques, and rebuttals specifically effective for your DRIVE type, beautifully complementing your unique strengths.

Whether you're a self-assured Director, a relationship-driven Relator, a knowledge-focused Intellectual, a strength-spotting Validator, or a goal-oriented Executive, this event is an unmissable opportunity for self-discovery and growth.

Your journey to self-understanding and personal as well as professional enrichment starts here. Don't miss this opportunity to reignite your passion and create the life you desire.

Register today to Discover What DRIVES You!

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