Depolarizing Within for Media Professionals - Online

Registrations are closed

Registration for this event is now closed. We hope you will be able to participate in a future Braver Angels event.

Depolarizing Within for Media Professionals - Online

Setting a tone that contributes to better understanding of the facts without feeding toxic polarization.

By Braver Angels

Date and time

Saturday, March 2 · 9am - 12pm PST



About this event

Note: This event is to be attended online.

You may be saying to yourself that, as a journalist, you strive to be objective, even though you have personal opinions on the topics about which you’re writing. To work towards this ideal, it’s important to examine how the language we use personally when we think and talk about the political “other” impacts the nature of our investigation and the language of our writing. Our language also impacts how our stories are understood (or misunderstood) by a sometimes skeptical and often divided public.

A surprising amount of today’s environment of toxic polarization is driven by how we talk with like-minded people about people on the “other” side. This is true for media professionals as much as anyone else. We are up against the complexities of social media, 24-hour TV news, and economic models for most media outlets that tend to segment audiences according to political leanings.

This workshop is designed to focus on language use that may stand in the way of your ability to communicate the story clearly and which may unwittingly contribute to unnecessary division in our country.

As this workshop serves as a pilot, we will be hosting an optional 30-minute debrief immediately afterward. Your feedback is highly valued and appreciated

Questions? Contact Mary Beth Stibbins at

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