Deconstructing the Facebook Papers

Deconstructing the Facebook Papers

An overview of the Facebook revelations and their impact on politics, advocacy and campaigning.

By Turner4D

Date and time

Thursday, November 4, 2021 · 2 - 3:30pm PDT



About this event

Join us 5pm Thursday, November 4th. Shireen Mitchell, Micah Sifry and Alan Rosenblatt will lead a discussion on the deluge of revelations coming from Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen. We'll look at how what we're learning impacts campaigns and organizations using the platform, and what advocacy and political groups should do in response.

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Turner4D manages public opinion on controversial issues through traditional and digital media. This work helps non-profits, think tanks, research organizations and socially responsible companies fight disinformation and reach their legislative, regulatory, legal, and organizing goals.

From our inception we have evolved with the changing media landscape. Today the multiplicity of tools requires iron-clad strategic discipline. The question is not traditional media or which social media platform, but who needs to be moved and what will move them to your desired outcome most efficiently. This core planning is crucial to successful campaigns – as opposed to time and money wasted.

Our clients are scientists, non-profits, advocacy groups and companies. Together, we pass legislation, win litigation, navigate regulatory processes, build advocacy communities, inform and educate the public, move people to action, and change the world.

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