Data Analysis with Python

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Data Analysis with Python

Learn how to analyze data using the power Python programming language enhance with libraries like Numpy, Pandas and others.

By Hamplus Technologies International [Hamplus Hub]

Date and time

June 13, 2022 · 10am - June 17, 2022 · 2pm WAT


Hamplus Technologies International [Hamplus Hub]

Beside Power of God Ministry Off NUT Road Abraka, Delta 330106 Nigeria

About this event

Mode of Programme

  1. Physical (In house) - for only 20 person within the Abraka Community
  2. Virtual (Zoom) - unlimited number of persons. The link will be shared days before the programme.


  • Hampo, JohnPaul A.C. - A member of PSF, DSN, GlobalAiHub, cohort 7 in AIStaturday Lagos, WorldQuant University. A computer scientist, tech evangelist, programmer and developer. (LinkedIn , GitHub ,Twitter )
  • Sedenu Aloaye Charles - A full stack and mobile software developer. (LinkedIn , GitHub ,Twitter )
  • Jerry Efe - A data analysis and researcher. (LinkedIn , GitHub ,Twitter )


Monday 13th, June, 2022 - Orientation/Education (Day 1)

10:00 - Registration, COVID precaution check

11:00 - Unlearning and Learning

12:00 - A Glance in Python

13:00 - Launch

13:30 - Recap of Today's Learning

Tuesday 14th - Wednesday 15th, June 2022 - Numpy Workshop (Day 2 & 3)

10:00 - Registration, COVID precaution check

11:00 - Unlearning and Learning

12:00 - Numpy for Data Analysis

13:00 - Launch

13:30 - Recap of Today's Learning

Thursday 16th - Friday 17th, June 2022 - Pandas Workshop (Day 4 & 5)

10:00 - Registration, COVID precaution check

11:00 - Unlearning and Learning

12:00 - Pandas for Data Analysis

13:00 - Launch

13:30 - Recap of Today's Learning

14:00 - Wrap-Up, Closing Remarks, Group Photographs, Networking and Launch

Code of Conduct

  1. No discrimination
  2. No gender nor religion biasness
  3. Nose mask is need
  4. No abusive languages or words
  5. No harassments of any kind
  6. No embarrassment of any kind

You will learn (benefit):

  1. Python programming
  2. Principles of Data Analysis
  3. Numpy
  4. Pandas
  5. Hands-on Data Analysis

COVID Precaution:

  1. All attendees SHOULD wear their face mask. No face mask, no entry!
  2. No 3Cs in the venue, that is, no Close Space, No Close Contact, No Crowded space.
  3. All participants' hands will be washed and sanitized.
  4. Temperature of attendees will be checked.
  5. Adequate and functional waste management facilities will be in place.

Needed Tools

  1. A ready mind.
  2. Ability to unlearn, learn and relearn
  3. A note and a pen.
  4. A smart phone or a laptop.
  5. Your charger


  1. Registration into PSF and DSN
  2. Career opportunities
  3. Skill up in skill-base
  4. Certificate of completion

Useful Links (Virtual programme)

To be uploaded

Organized by

A center for Research, Education, Agile coding, Collaboration, Training and Development [REACT-Dev]

Hamplus Technologies International [Hamplus Hub], registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission, Nigeria and AfriHub is a technology company located in Abraka – Delta State. It is a Nigerian company with skills, knowledge and expertise liken to the foreign companies. We offer variety of technological and educational services hence, we are known as a centre for Research, Education, Agile coding, Collaboration, Training and Development.

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