Crystal Sound Bath and Astrology

Crystal Sound Bath and Astrology

VIRTUAL Summer Solstice Sound Bath - *Friday, June 14th, *6pm pst/ 9pm est

By Dynasty Electrik



Refund Policy

Refunds up to 1 day before event

About this event

This Sacred Sound Journey will allow us to shift from stress to a relaxed alpha brain state and root into the Earth energies, bringing us a deep sense of inner peace, security and strength.

✨✨ The Summer Solstice celebrates the height of the Sun's energy and ushers in a season of warmth, abundance, and emotional connection. It invites us to nurture ourselves, strengthen our bonds with loved ones, and align with the natural world. During this time, the Sun enters the nurturing embrace of Cancer, a feminine receptive water sign. Like the tides of the ocean, Cancer represents the ebb and flow of our emotions. It symbolizes the archetype of home, healing, and nourishment. Take this opportunity to reflect on what truly nourishes your soul. What brings you a sense of safety and belonging? Allow yourself to be comforted and find solace in the warmth of your roots, your ancestors, and your soul family. Cancer is also known for its sensitivity, intuition, and protective nature. During the Summer Solstice, the veil between worlds becomes easier to penetrate, opening a gateway to connect with nature spirits and tap into the planet's incredible healing energies. It's a moment when we truly feel our deep connection to Mother Earth. Standing or walking with your bare feet on the earth is a deeply replenishing practice. The Moon in Sagittarius at this time amplifies this psychic sensitivity and awareness. It stirs a desire to transcend the mundane aspects of daily life, encouraging us to seek out novel experiences and broaden our horizons and perceptions through philosophical or metaphysical exploration.

Sound Baths & Music Streaming at

@dynastyelectrik - Youtube, Spotify, Apple Music, Instagram & Tik Tok

Dynasty Electrik is Jennifer Deveau and Seth Misterka. Initially formed as an electronic group in Brooklyn, they fused their knowledge of music with shamanic sound healing to create a unique style of sound therapy—the Dynasty Electrik Crystal Sound Bath. We established an influential sound healing journey at Mystic Journey Crystal Gallery in Los Angeles and have worked with Usher, Rachel Platton, Marvel Studios, and SnapChat, among others. Our work has been featured in Forbes, High Times, and in numerous television/ internet shows and film. Thank you for being here 💜