Create & Flow: Yoga, Reiki, & Paint Play

Create & Flow: Yoga, Reiki, & Paint Play

Create and Flow with Symbols From The Sun! Come join us for a playful gathering as we move through yoga, work energy, and play with paint!

By Symbols From The Sun


Expressive Arts @ 32nd & Thorn

3201 Thorn Street San Diego, CA 92104

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

Create & Flow:Yoga, Reiki, & Paint Play

Create and Flow with Symbols From The Sun!

Connect with your center through yoga movements, energy work, and paint play!

Workshop Offers:

Gentle Restorative Yoga(All levels gentle restorative yoga)

Reiki Energy Work (Offered during in still postures and extended Savasana)

Sound Healing Savasana (Offered during extended Savasana)

Intuitive Paint Play (Intuitive Paint Play. Once you enter your “flow state” you will be guided into Intuitive Paint Play. You will enjoy intuitive painting with other participants as you are encouraged to follow your intuition, following your instincts while playing with paint through use of different modalities and colors.)

Journal Prompt (Community journal prompt and exercise after Intuitive Paint Play)

Communal Discussion (Engage in communal discussion and journal reflection )

What To Bring:

*Bring your own mat and water for class.

*Bring your journal and favorite tool to write with.

Space is limited. It is helpful for setup if you sign up in advance :)

We can't wait to play with you!

Organized by

Bringing together community, yoga, art, and consciousness.
