Confronting Systemic Racism from Within:  Join our Lunch Hour Reflections

Confronting Systemic Racism from Within: Join our Lunch Hour Reflections

Confronting Systemic Racism from Within: Join our Reflections

By SKY Schools

Select date and time

Monday, October 21 · 8:45 - 9:30am PDT



About this event

Come join our lunch hour discussions.

We will be reading Stamped From The Beginning, The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America by Ibram X. Kendi

We will be reflecting -with the help of this text- on how racism is rooted in systems of policy and how we can become anti-racist by examining closely what racism is and how it can be dismantled.

Our Restorative Book Session Includes:

  • Facilitated reflections on antiracism
  • Open, safe space for courageous conversation
  • Breathwork and meditation
  • Led by certified SKY Instructors for stress and trauma relief

This is an invitation to all who are hurting from the inequity and injustice in our world, and want to help, are willing to learn, to listen, and to take responsibility.

  • We believe all people deserve a space to relax, reassess, and realign.
  • We are a collective of stress-management specialists and activists inspired by human values.

Only when we can fully relax and reset can we give our best and stretch our furthest. Imagine how much more energy you would have and how much more powerful you would be if you cut your stress levels in half!

It can be done in just a few minutes using nothing but your own breath...

The key is that your breath is directly linked to your emotions.

Unleash the Hidden Healing Power of the Breath, and Transform Your Inner World, and the World Around You!

Organized by

SKY Schools is an evidence-based, social emotional learning program dedicated to providing youth with the skills and knowledge to achieve all around health and success, including a healthy body, a healthy mind and a healthy lifestyle.  

We do this by offering youth, educators and families practical tools and life skills to increase self awareness, manage stress and emotions, and make responsible life choices.  

Our experiential curriculum includes stretching and exercise, targeted breathing techniques, communication skills, conflict resolution, and life lessons on human values such as responsibility, respect, friendliness, kindness and cooperation.

As students learn how to manage their stress in a healthy way, they exhibit greater confidence and motivation to succeed in school and make healthy choices when faced with life’s challenges.  In the schools that we work we consistently see reductions in disciplinary infractions, and increased academic performance, resulting in safer, more peaceful schools.