Coffee Chat

Coffee Chat

Join together with other military and veteran spouses, partners, caregivers, and family members to connect over coffee!

By Veteran Spouse Network



About this event

Join VSN Leader, Gretchen, each Friday to connect and get support from other peers. Gretchen is a veteran spouse and grew up in a military family. She enjoys hosting this opportunity for peers to connect, share their stories, receive support around any challenges they may be facing, and find community. Learn more about Gretchen!

To be eligible for this group you must be the spouse, partner, or family member of an active duty service member or post-service veteran. Family members and individuals who are widowed or divorced from an active duty service member or post-service veteran are also eligible for this group.

Eligibility for our Virtual Social Clubs varies by session, so please check our Eventbrite page to see other social clubs that may interest you.

Once registered, on the morning of the event, you will be e-mailed a Zoom invite to join via computer, tablet, or phone. Once registered, you will also be able to access the Zoom information by viewing the event's Online Event Page. The Online Event Page can be accessed by clicking the "View the event" button in your order confirmation email, OR by selecting the "Access this event" button on the right-hand side of this page.

Since we will be talking at times about our personal lives and families, we ask that participants attend the virtual session from a room where privacy can be maintained, or utilize headphones. We ask that you please join the chat at the scheduled start time. If you join later than 15 minutes, the leader reserves the right to not admit you into the session if they feel it will disrupt the group. If no one joins the chat within the first 15 minutes, the leader will cancel the chat.

Don't forget to subscribe to the VSN Newsletter & follow us @veteranspousenetwork!

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