Coffee and Concepts - Coeur d'Alene Innovation Den

Coffee and Concepts - Coeur d'Alene Innovation Den

Get your big idea out of your head and into the world.

By Innovation Collective Coeur d'Alene, ID


Innovation Den

418 East Lakeside Avenue Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814


7:30 AM - 8:00 AM


Grab a warm cup of coffee, say hi to someone new, and find a seat as we get going. We'll begin with quick intros of who we are and what we do so we can begin to build relationships!

8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

What's New?

After everyone has introduced themselves, the facilitator will open the floor up for anyone to throw out a topic of something new, interesting, or challenging that's happening in the world for everyo...

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

What Are You Working On?

After a lively discussion about the latest local and global trends, the facilitator will ask what everyone is working on in their personal or professional lives currently, and if anyone would like to...

About this event

    Coffee and Concepts is THE morning meeting of the minds in our town...the place where we come together with crazy ideas for businesses or projects, and make connections to get them launched! We'll grab you a coffee, talk about new trends, where to go next with your idea, and facilitate immediate intros.

    Join us and we'll help you unleash your inner magic. From middle school students, to retirees, everyone is welcome! It all starts with coffee.

    Frequently asked questions

    Do I have to be a member of the Innovation Collective to attend?

    Nope! This event is always free and open to anyone in the community to attend. We encourage you to come ready to make new connections, offer your expertise, time, or contacts to others that you can be helpful to, and to start thinking of yourself as a creator rather than a consumer in the word.

    How can I get more involved with the IC?

    If you're interested in learning about membership to the Innovation Collective or the other events we host in different places all over the Inland Northwest, ask your gathering facilitator for the Community Lead's email or for one of our flyers that has a QR code to get in touch with us.

    Organized by

    IC Coeur d'Alene has been quietly shaping the future of robotics and AI for years and is now a center for breakthrough innovation. We brought our big ideas to life and think you should too. Find out more below.