Clarence's Celebration of Life
Ticket sales end soon

Clarence's Celebration of Life

Come join us as we celebrate the life of Clarence, with music, memories, food, and good time all around!

By Lakisha Toussaint

Date and time

Saturday, May 25 · 11am - 10pm EDT


American Legion Post 354

4800 Welby Turn Midlothian, VA 23113


11:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Late Morning Rideout to Resting Place

Meet at American Legion Post #354 and caravan to Clarence's resting place.

3:00 PM - 10:00 PM


Gather to celebrate. We're going to have a good time together. 1500 - until about 2200.

About this event

  • 11 hours

Clarence's Celebration of Life

Come join us for a special event honoring the life of our Beloved Husband, Dad, Brother and Friend, Clarence. We will gather in Midlothian, VA at American Legion Post 354, situated on the James River to share memories, stories, and laughter as we celebrate the old guy. This in-person event will be a time to gather as a community and remember the impact Clarence had on all of our lives. He was always teaching, leading, and living by example. We know that you have a few gems of his to share.

We've planned an 1100 ride out to his resting place, and then let's gather back at 1500 for the Celebration of LIFE with a Clarence-inspired Memorial Day Saturday bash w food, games, a DJ, stories, a solemn room, etc.

For those who can not attend, we ask that you consider making a donation to the Fisher House at Tripler and/or the Fisher House at Bethesda/Walter Reed, in Memory of Clarence A. Toussaint, CPT, US ARMY (RET), and allow us to be notified by email at: imocatsix@GMAIL.COM

******************************NOTICE of INSTRUCTION***********************************

You MUST RSVP here with your SMS-enabled phone number for a personal confirmation of invitation AND provide your mailing address for paper invite.

Frequently asked questions

Hotels in the area?

Google's got you.,-77.6725238,13z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m7!2m6!3m5!2sAmerican+Legion+Post+354!3s0x89b16c2d108ca2dd:0x4bf12eab993c1853!4m2!1d-77.6416227!2d37.5587593?entry=ttu

What's up with parking?

We plan to have a couple of Chesterfield County's best on hand to assist us with near site traffic and on-site parking.

Will there be alcohol?

To rub on mosquito bites? Probably not. For DRINKING? Maybe. Permits and Waivers are in the works. Be advised Clarence enjoyed Yuengling and his Trini Rums and a nice whiskey (WhistlePig) so.....

What if we want to linger longer at the gravesite?

You are welcome to do so until the cemetery closes. We do hope you will gather with us at the celebration in Midlothian when you leave.

I want to send condolence cards, money, gifts, etc. How?

No flowers please. You can also make a donation to the Fisher House in memory of our Clarence. We know there are other places that he appreciated. Talk with Lakisha.

Will this be livestreamed?

We will not be livestreaming. We will be enjoying with those in attendance. We and others MAY post pictures and shorts after. Just Come and Join us! If you need help with with Lakisha.

What's a solemn room?

The solemn room is a space to honor our Fallen with light conversation, laughter, reflection, and gratitude. Tissues, included.

Organized by

Let's Gather and Fellowship and Learn and all the ands. ;-)