Channelsea Conservation

Channelsea Conservation

Join us for a day of conservation work on the Channelsea river and at the Long Wall Ecology garden.

By Surge Co-operative

Date and time

Sunday, June 23 · 2 - 5pm GMT+1


At the Riverside planters

located off the Greenway by Abbey Mills on the Long Wall Path London E15 2RW United Kingdom

About this event

  • 3 hours

We start the day with a deep listening session, grounding into the space, tuning in to the sounds of the riverscape, and awakening our senses to some of the species that make their home there.

We'll be using our floating pontoon to get out onto the water to gather any early blooms of pennywort before they start to grow, a vigorous species that populates the water's surface blocking out light and oxygen for other species.

We'll be pulling it out of the water and into the compost bins on land, ready to break down and become food for the apple trees.

There'll be jobs on land too, cutting back bramble and buddleia and other strong growing plants to maintain a healthy balance of species.

We'll also be joined by fellow coop Compost Mentis who'll be leading a zine making workshop for our compost toilet, to celebrate some of the beautiful ideas that have gone into the community co-design, and encourage future dreaming of perfect toilets...


This event is part of Thames 21's 'London River's Week', a week-long annual campaign inspiring the public to celebrate all of London’s rivers and the many projects taking place to protect them.

This year’s theme is ‘London is a river city’, with a focus on health and well-being and cultural activities.

Organized by

Surge Co-operative’s focus is to create sustainable, affordable work/live moorings for larger boats in London, making use of the underused blue networks and historic wharves, and building lasting creative links between communities on water and land.