Capon Bridge Old Time Jam

Capon Bridge Old Time Jam

The Capon Bridge Old Time Jam is a jam welcoming old time musicians of all skill levels and backgrounds.

By Dakota Karper


The Cat and The Fiddle

152 Capon School Street Capon Bridge, WV 26711

About this event

    Founded in Aug 2017 by Dakota Karper, the Capon Bridge Old Time Jam is a jam welcoming old time musicians of all skill levels and backgrounds with the intention of creating a welcoming, imaginative, joyful and safe space to share music.

    The first Capon Bridge Old Time Jam took place Aug 19, 2017 at The River House and continued there until 2020 when it took a little break along with the rest of the world. In 2021 jams began to reform and with them the start of the 2nd & 4th Tuesday jams at The Cat in The Fiddle. In 2022 the jam came back to full force at The River House on the 3rd Friday of every month.

    Current ongoing jams in Capon Bridge include:

    - 2nd & 4th Tuesdays from 7-9pm @ The Cat and The Fiddle -

    - 3rd Fridays from 6-9pm @ The River House -

    Organized by