Cannabis Workforce Initiative Program- SUNY ATTAIN

Cannabis Workforce Initiative Program- SUNY ATTAIN

Learn about New York's regulated cannabis market, processes from seed to sale, jobs available throughout the industry, and your rights.



431 River St

431 River Street Troy, NY 12180

About this event

Earn a certificate with ATTAIN!! Participate in our 10-Module Cannabis Workforce Initiative Program and put yourself at the forefront of New York's up-and-coming cannabis industry and market. Two ways to participate!! Self-paced, work through the videos on your own, and earn a certificate after completing all 10 (to register reach out to the lab). Or come to our in-person sessions on Tuesday and Thursday from 12:00pm to 1:00 pm and work through the program with us. Register here to attend the in-person lessons.

Learn about New York's regulated cannabis market, processes from seed to sale, jobs available throughout the industry, and your rights under labor and employment laws and New York's Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA).


  1. The Legalization of Cannabis
  2. Industry Opportunities Overview and the Cannabis Plant
  3. Jobs in Extraction and Manufacturing
  4. Know Your Rights and Responsibilities
  5. Marketing, Branding, Packaging, and Labeling in Cannabis
  6. Working in a Dispensary
  7. Seed-to-Sale Compliance
  8. Health and Safety in the Cannabis Industry
  9. Discrimination and Harassment
  10. Beyond the Bud: Exploring Ancillary Opportunities in the Cannabis Supply Chain

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