Camp Mustache Southeast 2018 Week 2: Jan 12-15, 2018

Camp Mustache Southeast 2018 Week 2: Jan 12-15, 2018

By CampFI

Date and time

January 12, 2018 · 2pm - January 15, 2018 · 2pm EST



Gainesville, FL

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event


Camp Mustache Southeast 2018!

Jan 12 - 15, 2018 (Fri-Mon)

Camp Mustache Southeast 2017 was so fun that we are doing it again!

Last year, we had 40 folks from all over the country converge just outside of Gainesville, FL to enjoy some fellowship and fun. Since then, the retreat increased its capacity and can welcome up to 48 attendees. If you live in (or want to visit) the Southeastern United States and would like to hang out with other mustachians, please join us.

Last year’s featured guests included:

J.D. Roth from and

Keith Schroeder from

Joshua Sheets from

Brad Barrett from and

Brooks Nelson from

Zeona McIntyre (Airbnb expert) from

Plus other guests:

Gwen from

Jonathan Mendonsa from

Ruby from

Pete from

Joel from

NOT JUST FOR BLOGGERS! People from all walks of life including dentists, lawyers, engineers, accountants, and members of the military shared their unique experiences and interesting stories. Strong friendships were made and continue today.

I've rented out a retreat center outside of Gainesville. It's a beautiful rural venue with canoeing, swimming, nature trails and other recreational activities.

Your ticket covers food and lodging for 3 nights.

There will be presentations. We are still in the planning phase. Details will be posted in the CMSE facebook group when available. If you're interested in presenting, please email me at

***NOTE: The event is scheduled for Jan 12-15. As of this posting, the retreat currently has the weekend of Jan 5-8, 2018 available. If there is overwhelming demand, a second Camp Mustache Southeast event will be scheduled. If tickets have sold out when you attempt ticket purchase, please add your name to the waitlist. Include your contact information and how many tickets you would like for the Jan 5-8, 2018 POTENTIAL event. Once we have enough requests, I will verify the retreat availability and then notify you of the additional event and ticket purchasing details.***

If you have an urgent question, call or text me (Stephen) at 478-324-0431.


Can I come just for the day?

We decided against offering day passes as we feel the full weekend provides the best overall experience, based on past events.

Is Pete (Mr Money Mustache) going to be there?

No idea! This is an event organized by volunteers who are fans of mustachianism. If Pete wants to attend, it will be as an attendee and we won't know until he buys his ticket. If you are coming just to meet Pete, this probably isn't the event for you. We are planning on having multiple presenters to include bloggers, podcasters, subject matter experts, and experienced guests. If you have a topic idea or a recommended presenter, email

How much are children?

Children 0-3 are free, and children 4-8 are $150. Children 9 and up are full price.

If you're interested in bringing children, please consider that we never know how many children are coming until the end, so we can't promise how many kids will be there, or what ages. Please be prepared that your child may not have many playmates and might need your supervision.

Can I get a private bed?

The retreat center we are renting has shared rooms. Most are double occupancy and some can sleep up to seven people. We will default to filling up the 2-person rooms first and overflowing into the other rooms as groups prefer and/or demand requires it.

Can I camp or bring an RV?

The retreat center does have RV hookups and Tent campsites (Bring your own tent). If you prefer to bring your RV or camp in a tent, that is perfectly fine. However, it will not affect your ticket price. This location is a perfect opportunity for those who always wanted, to take an opportunity to camp. All of the amenities are close by.

How many tickets are there?

We have room for 48 people. Depending on how many kids and families sign up, we may have a room for a few more. We will open up a waiting list when all the tickets are sold.

Are the tickets refundable?

No. However, if we do have a waiting list, we can put you in touch with someone from the waiting list.

I purchased a ticket. When do I get all the details?

Hang tight! You'll be getting an invitation to the Camp Mustache Southeast private Facebook group soon with all the details you need. For those of you who do not use Facebook, please email me and let me know so I can email relevant information to you directly. If you need information faster than we post it, send an email to .

Organized by

Sales Ended