Calabasas Connections Networking Lunch - TEAM meeting

Calabasas Connections Networking Lunch - TEAM meeting

We are a professional networking group that meets for brunch every Tuesday at 11:30am at La Paz in Calabasas

By Esmeralda Archer - The Anti-Tutor

Select date and time


La Paz Mexican and Seafood

4505 Las Virgenes Rd #101 Calabasas, CA 91302

About this event

We would love to have you visit our TEAM Calabasas Connections Chapter !

We are group of very passionate business people looking to help your business grow !

Come and see how having a TEAM on your side can help your business !

Our group is category specific so please note that these spots are TAKEN:

1-Real Estate Residential - Joanne Litman

2-Mortgage Lending - Joe Mikhail

3-Tutoring - Esmeralda Archer

4-Insurance Property & Casualty - Adam Frank

5-Construction - Inbal Bitan

6-Restoration - Jessica Laurent

7- Auto Sales/ Leasing - Jeremy Wolfe

8- Financial Advisor - Regina B. Korossy

9- Interior Design - Cynthia Montoya

10- Non-Profit - Terra Collins

11- Heating and Cooling - Roger Chavez

We are looking for all other categories !


You will be given that chance to deliver a 1 minute commerical about your business!

For more information about our group go to :

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to buy lunch?

Yes ! We are meeting at a local business please support them by buying lunch and tipping the staff. Average cost of lunch will be $25

Is there a cost to Join the group?

To come to this lunch all you need to pay for is lunch! If you want to claim your business category and join our group please visit this link for more info:

Can I invite a friend?

Yes! please rsvp with a ticket for each guest ! Be sure the category is not spoken for. We are an exclusive referral organization. Only one person per business category is allowed to be a member of a TEAM visit our chapter info at

What is discouraged?

We only have 1 business per category - if you join you can claim your business category. Also we are not looking to join a MLM so please don't come trying to sign up sales people

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