COMT-2 (previously C-616) Online Test [Cervical Spine]

COMT-2 (previously C-616) Online Test [Cervical Spine]

C-616 Cervical Spine II Online Test To test your knowledge of the C-616 Cervical Spine course material.

By North American Institute ofOrthopedicManualTherapy



About this event

COMT-2 (previously C-616 Cervical Spine II) Online Test

To test your knowledge of the COMT-2: Cervical Spine (previously C-616 Cervical Spine) course material. Please refer to the COMT-2: Cervical Spine (previously C-616 Cervical Spine Resource Guide) Course Manual you received at the onsite course as your study guide.

Be sure you have visited our Certification Details page to review the FAQs and the Exam Guide. Also be sure to read and understand the "Cancellation, Appeal and Academic Honesty policy". You will be asked to agree or disagree during the registration process as it is a required field.

Cost: N/C

Test Details

An e-link will be sent to you on the Thursday of the week of the test weekend and will be entitled "Online Test Instructions. The email will contain the link to this test. The Online Tests open at 3:00am PST on Saturday of scheduled date and will close at 8:55pm PST on Sunday of scheduled date.YOU MUST TAKE THE TEST(S) BETWEEN THE ABOVE TIMES AND ONCE YOU START THE TEST, YOU MUST COMPLETE IT. YOU CANNOT SAVE IT AND GO BACK LATER.

Organized by

The North American Institute of Orthopedic Manual Therapy, Inc. (NAIOMT) is a private physical therapist-owned organization dedicated to achieving the highest standards of clinical practice for manual physical therapists.

NAIOMT specializes in a flexible teaching program, which seeks to promote the utilization of safe, effective and efficient manual physical therapy management of musculoskeletal dysfunction. It further seeks an environment that is conducive to the application of a reasoned approach to manual physical therapy through critical inquiry and the creation of new knowledge and skills based on scientific study and dissemination of that knowledge.

NAIOMT strongly supports the union of the clinician, academician and researcher to further facilitate the development of quality patient care, physical therapy education and the development of master clinicians.
