Business Rebels & Renegades Scaling *Online* Bootcamp

Business Rebels & Renegades Scaling *Online* Bootcamp

Unleash Explosive Growth With Radical Strategies

By FuDog Group



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The Business Rebels & Renegades Scaling Bootcamp

Here are just 21 of the many exclusive FuDog methods, tools, and strategies we'll be equipping you with over these 5 power-packed sessions!

  • Lifetime Value Creator: The 6 Steps to Creating Lifetime Value of a Client: Learn the six essential steps to cultivate lasting value and foster enduring relationships with your clients.
  • Lean Operations: Building a Self-Sustaining Company System: Learn to establish and maintain operations that can function effectively without constant oversight, allowing your company to thrive independently.
  • Financial Health Metric System: Mastering Business Vital Signs: Gain expertise in measuring and managing key financial indicators to ensure the health and longevity of your business.
  • Freedom Exit Blueprint: Crafting Your Path to Future Exit: Develop a personalized blueprint to guide your journey towards a future exit, granting you the freedom to pursue new opportunities.
  • The Perfect Sales Pitch Book: Crafting a Marketing Blueprint for the Perfect Exit: Create a comprehensive marketing playbook tailored to maximize business value and attract potential buyers for a successful exit.
  • The Double Profit Formula: Enhancing Your Profitability: Learn strategies to double your profit by optimizing revenue streams and minimizing expenses, ensuring maximum profitability.
  • Partnerships Value Adder: Leveraging Zero-Dollar Partnerships to Scale Your Company: Discover how to cultivate strategic partnerships without financial investment, unlocking opportunities for exponential growth and scalability.
  • Vision Creation Process: Craft and crystallize your aspirational goals with precision and clarity.
  • World Alignment Protocol: Synchronize your team and family with your transformative vision.
  • Reverse Engineering Method: Deconstruct success to create a fail-proof pathway to your objectives.
  • Mind Power Enhancement: Amplify your cognitive capabilities to harness the full potential of your intellect.
  • Wealth Projection System: Implement a robust framework for forecasting and accelerating financial growth.
  • Brand Market Share Analysis Path: Evaluate how your brand measures against competitors to strategize scalable growth.
  • Brand Disruption Theory: Discover innovative strategies that fuel your brand's momentum and disrupt the status quo.
  • Brand Value Maximizer: Master techniques to elevate your brand's market value, optimizing it for potential sale or investment.
  • Marketing Magnet: Craft compelling messages that magnetically draw the right leads into your orbit at the lowest cost.
  • Beyond AI: Implement a system that leverages AI for creating, managing, optimizing, and scaling marketing with minimal to no cost.
  • Emotional Intelligence Secret: Delve into the intricacies of human psychology to develop a profound understanding of emotional intelligence and its application in sales interactions.
  • Deal or No Deal: Always Moving Forward: Learn how to navigate sales interactions to avoid receiving a definitive "no," instead focusing on uncovering the next opportunity for advancement.
  • Big Hinges Swing Bigger Doors Method: Communication Beyond Language Patterns: Discover how to transcend traditional language patterns, unlocking profound connections and fostering impactful communication strategies that resonate on a deeper level.

About the presenter

Mike Agugliaro has spent his whole life learning about martial arts, business, marketing, sales, operations, and human peak performance. He started his professional career as an electrician and grew a $32 million/year home services business that did electrical, HVAC, plumbing, drain cleaning and more across his entire state, which a private equity company acquired in 2017.

With everything he learned from his home services business, Mike, then, built the most prominent training organization for owners and operators of home service companies. Mike has always been committed to sharing the “secrets” of his success with people who are wanting to learn and grow. Through this organization, Mike coached over 1,000 business owners and over 20,000 people in the service industry. He exited this business in 2020.

Mike founded FuDog Group, a high-level training organization that teaches peak performance secrets to help people elevate every area of their lives. He also co-founded a company that partners and invests in business owners to help them grow and exit their companies.

Mike is an expert at teaching people how to create life, business and wealth by design. He specializes in helping business owners who identify as rebels or renegades in life. Mike has mastered the art of personal human performance and uses what he learns in all parts of his life, from family and relationships to health and fitness to career and money. These skills have created wealth and abundance in all areas of his life. And unlike many other self-made decamillionaires, Mike is passionately committed to unlocking the wealth code for everyone who is open to learning, growing, and becoming better.

Mike is a Jinsei Ryu Budo black belt, an author of over 28 books, a speaker, and a sought-after expert on running, scaling, and selling companies.

For the Scaling Bootcamp, Mike will be the main presenter, but he will be joined by:

➡️ His business partner, Aaron Hoos, who holds an investment portfolio of businesses and real estate. He's an author, former stockbroker, and has his MBA in Business Strategy.

➡️ His business partner and partner in life, Jennifer Agugliaro, who is a successful business owner. She will provide key insights on the power of support, nurturing, leadership, and family, all while creating wealth.

➡️ His son, Michael Agugliaro II, who serves as a highly respected accountability coach in the FuDog Group. He's an expert in mindset mastery and business growth.


Want to see how quickly FuDog Group can help you get more life, business, and wealth by design? You'll love this: go to right now and access 3 game-changing, life-shifting, wealth-accelerating traings, absolutely FREE.

Discover How To Use The Power Of Your Thoughts To Accelerate Every Area Of Your Life
Get Your FREE Copy of Mike's NEW BOOK Now... Mind Power: The 17 Secrets Of Using Your Thoughts To Powerfully Accelerate Every Area Of Life.
Just click here to get your FREE copy of Mind Power.

You're not alone: Connect with a group of growth-minded entrepreneurs who are on the same journey as you. Join the Business Rebels & Renegades Facebook group and finally connect with fellow business owners; let's connect and grow together! It's fast and free to join.

Accelerate Your Success by Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants

You can build and scale your business so much faster when you’re getting guidance from someone who has done it himself! Mike Agugliaro is a self-made decamillionaire who built and sold two massive business empires for eight-figure buyouts. And the second exit happened so much sooner and for so much more money than the first one! Mike isn’t teaching theory from a book—in this bootcamp, Mike will tell you about his real-world experience of scaling and selling his businesses. And Mike has put together an expert team to run this Scaling Bootcamp with him and deliver the most value possible to you!

GET YOUR TICKET TO BOOTCAMP NOW To Experience What Hundreds Of Business Owners Who Are Now Building Empires Have Already Experienced

Frequently asked questions

What is the FuDog Group?

➡️ FuDog Group is an organization that helps people create life, business, and wealth by design with resources, trainings, events, and partnerships.

Who should attend this Scaling Bootcamp?

➡️ High Achievers: You're not just looking for another networking event. You crave a transformation that aligns with your ambitious goals.➡️ Disruptors: You believe in changing the game, not just playing it. ➡️ Selective Strategists: You understand the value of exclusivity and power of mentorship.

Who should NOT attend the Scaling Bootcamp?

➡️ The Content with Average: If your aspiration stops at 'good enough', this isn’t your scene. ➡️The Spectators: Those looking to sit back and watch won’t find this valuable. ➡️The Risk-Averse: If you’re not ready to take bold steps and make substantial changes, this experience will be too intense.

How can I submit questions or interact during the training?

➡️ This training is not a pre-recorded video. It's a LIVE, highly interactive event. Your camera has to be on because Mike and the Team will be interacting with you. Plus Mike uses the chat feature in a big way, getting your feedback and taking your questions. And you'll meet the other attendees.

Will the sessions of the Scaling Bootcamp be recorded for later viewing?

➡️ It's vitally important to attend all 5 sessions to get the maximum benefit from this online training. Recordings may be made available to those who attend the sessions for enhanced benefit.

Why must you act now and get your ticket?

➡️ This training has massive value for those who show up and participate. There are a limited number of seats available. Also, the price is going up so act now before it goes up! Due to the exclusive nature of this training, just one thing can change everything!

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