BSC Mentoring & Lean Success Forums —  Online

BSC Mentoring & Lean Success Forums — Online

BSC Mentoring & Lean Success Forums online, 1st Thurs., 11am Central. Named one of Austin's best business & networking groups.

By Business Success Center



About this event

  • 1 hour


Due to a BSC family emergency, the June 6 Forum has been rescheduled for June 13. We hope you'll join us then and it gives you an extra week to invite family, friends and colleagues. You don't want to miss this important, enlightening Forum!

June 13, 2024 (postponed from June 6) from 11am-Noon Central - BSC Mentoring Forumwith Success Mentor Kate Amber, End Coercive Control USA, Identifying and Dealing with COERCIVE Control & Abuse in the Workplace

Ms. Kate Amber, MSc, Founder and CEO of ECCUSA located in Connecticut, makes the use of coercive control tactics transparent in the workplace, where some may abuse their power, leading to a hostile environment for everyone. Coercive control is not limited to harassment and overly abusive behaviors. It can be easily missed, misunderstood or mistaken as harmless or unintentional, and if taken out of context may result in reduced profitability, fines, or even prison. Unchecked, coercive control can result in abuse of an employee, manager, business owner, customer or vendor. This abuse can lead to mental distress, severe enough to cause job loss, extreme reduction in productivity, or even violence, PTSD or loss of life. Could you be a victim of coercive control in the workplace and not even know it? Could you unwittingly be contributing to coercive control tactics against others in meetings, online, etc.? Come and learn from the expert on what to watch out for and what to do if you see it, hear it, or experience it."

Be kind. Be safe. Be hopeful. Be positive. Be ready — with some help from your meetup friends.

RSVP and upcoming Forum details:

Direct Link:

All BSC Forums use this same link each month:

Upcoming Topics & Mentors for BSC Mentoring Forum™ & Lean® Success Forum™ in 2024

Direct Success Forum Link:

All BSC Mentoring Forums & Lean® Success Forums™ use this same link each month:

•••••We have exciting news! Beginning January 4, 2024, we'll be holding our Lean Success Forum on the first Thursday of the first 2 months of each quarter. We'll have a great guest mentor during our BSC Mentoring Forum on the first Thursday of the third month of each quarter. Stay tuned to see our line-up of excellent upcoming mentors!!•••••

First Thursdy of each month, 11am-Noon Central

• June 13, 2024 (postponed from June 6) 11am-Noon Central - BSC Mentoring Forumwith Success Mentor Kate Amber, End Coercive Control USA, Identifying and Dealing with COERCIVE Control & Abuse in the Workplace

Ms. Kate Amber, MSc, Founder and CEO of ECCUSA located in Connecticut, makes the use of coercive control tactics transparent in the workplace, where some may abuse their power, leading to a hostile environment for everyone. Coercive control is not limited to harassment and overly abusive behaviors. It can be easily missed, misunderstood or mistaken as harmless or unintentional, and if taken out of context may result in reduced profitability, fines, or even prison. Unchecked, coercive control can result in abuse of an employee, manager, business owner, customer or vendor. This abuse can lead to mental distress, severe enough to cause job loss, extreme reduction in productivity, or even violence, PTSD or loss of life. Could you be a victim of coercive control in the workplace and not even know it? Could you unwittingly be contributing to coercive control tactics against others in meetings, online, etc.? Come and learn from the expert on what to watch out for and what to do if you see it, hear it, or experience it."

*Forum: a public meeting place for open, friendly, and frank discussions where ideas and views on a particular subject or issue are exchanged by everyone. And, we really mean it! Walkaway with business insights, contacts, and connections while sharing your own ideas and expertise. The BSC Business Success Forum was selected by the Austin Business Journal for its Book of Lists as one of Austin's best business and networking groups.


Your 3-part role in the BSC Mentoring™ and Lean® Forums:

Contributor/Coach: We encourage you to share your expertise and insight on our topics at every meeting. Become a regular.

Guest Mentor: Be a guest mentor. You don't have to be an expert speaker to lead this section of the Forum. This can be done as a Q & A interview by our host, Jan Triplett, instead of a talk.

Encourager: Got an idea to improve the Forum or a useful comment? We welcome it at any time but it may need to be offline so we can stay on time. We stop at 12PM sharp.


Technical Help

If you get a message there are no spaces available when you try to join the meeting, please try a different browser. If you still can't get in, please contact and let them know the problem for this meeting. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Be sure to use Chrome or download the gotomeeting app.

You can also dial in using your phone. (For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.) United States: +1 (312) 757-3121 One-touch: tel:+13127573121,,685053101# Access Code: 685-053-101

Recordings and transcripts available

If you can't attend, the Forums are recorded and include a transcript but are only available for a limited time. Contact us for the most current link. Attendees receive this link automatically along with a list of emails of attendees and mentors for future contacts and connections.


Our mission at BSC:

The BSC Mentoring and Lean® Forums™ and Wisdom Webinars ™ are 2 important ways the award-winning BSC team helps you and your business move ahead in the right way at the right time. We support your desire and ability to contribute to your business, your future, your people, your planet, and are proud to give back with free programs to you and your community.


Final thoughts:

Here's to working together for greater sustainability in businesses that focus on a better triple bottom line:

Great products and services you are passionate about at fair prices and with a fair return,

Working for people, and

Benefiting the planet.

Your moderator and Forum host opening doors to your success,

Jan Triplett, Ph.D. CBTAC/Director

CEO, Business Success Center, award-winning sustainability experts

Co-author Thinking Big, Staying Small and Easy to Be Green

Author Networker's Guide to Success and contributor

Organized by

We prepare owners and their businesses for growth. We are founders of the Profit Mover Advisory Team™, providing  local, national and international management, funding, contracting assistance, and implementation support throughout the US.