Breath Medicine: Online Breathwork Class

Breath Medicine: Online Breathwork Class

Experience the medicine of your breath from the comfort of your home and return to your true nature- one breath at a time!

By The Breath Nurse

Date and time

Sunday, May 26 · 3 - 4pm PDT



Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.


6:00 PM - 6:15 PM

Event begins + Introduction

Welcoming, the month's theme, breathwork demo and explanation, breathwork expectations

6:15 PM - 6:50 PM


6:50 PM - 7:00 PM

Q&A + Sharing + Wrap Up + Event Ends

About this event

  • 1 hour

Breath Medicine: Online Breathwork Class

🌬️ 1 hour LIVE + recorded with 7 day REPLAY ✨

🌿 Experience the medicine of your breath from the comfort of your home and return to your true nature- one breath at a time!

Breathe your way to a better you. Breathe your way to the real you!

Enhance your well-being and tap into your true self for self-care, personal growth and development, healing, transformation, and activation of yourself and your life for greater joy, happiness, and health over time!

What To Expect

Whether you're new to breathwork or experienced, join The Breath Nurse to experience the power of you and your breath combined.

  • Learn the RESET Breathwork Method and what to expect during breathwork
  • Be guided through a RESET Breathwork experience with music while laying down
  • Q&A and voluntary sharing time
  • Experience the benefits

What is RESET Breathwork?

RESET Breathwork is an active meditative breathwork method that creates lasting change from the inside out by...

  • Recalibrating your nervous system (regulate your body's communication and command center)
  • Elevating your vibration (shift your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state of well-being)
  • Somatically releasing stored emotions + trauma (release emotions and past experiences that are affecting your well-being through your body and breath)
  • Expanding your consciousness (access deeper states of consciousness + expand self-awareness + access your subconscious- where all of your negative thought patterns, stuck mindsets, limiting beliefs, habits, and addictions live)
  • Transforming you into your most authentic self (become a healthier, freer, more joyful, happy you)

It's simple, yet powerful!

This 3-part conscious connected breathing practice is a simple yet powerful way to empower and inspire yourself to be more you. Many describe their experience with this method as mind-blowing, life-altering (in a good way!), or better than therapy.

💊 By taking a dose of the medicine of your breath, you'll let go of stress, anxiety, fear, anger, resentment, grief, doubt, unworthiness, and more so that you can feel happier, healthier, lighter, freer, more confident, calm, loved, energized, at peace, and grounded in who you are moving forward.


Even if you're already feeling totally amazing, you can benefit from breathing intentionally through breathwork with...

  • Increased energy, clarity, creativity, and stamina
  • Enhanced concentration and flow
  • Improved sleep and mood
  • Decreased pain
  • Increased optimism, compassion, and joy
  • Reduced stress and better recovery
  • Decreased burnout, frustration, and overwhelm
  • Improved well-being and peace of mind
  • Stress and anxiety relief
  • Reduced pain and inflammation
  • A deepened connection with yourself and others
  • Strengthened immune system functioning
  • And so much more 🔥

How to prepare:

  • Dress comfortably
  • Have a mostly empty stomach (no big meals/heavy food or drink at least 30-60 min prior- light snacks and drinks are okay)
  • Arrive five minutes early to settle into your space
  • Use the restroom prior to the start of the event
  • Ensure your space is quiet and free from distractions (cell phone is silenced, no children or pets in the room)

What to bring to your space:

  • Have a comfortable place to lie down- on your bed, couch, or yoga mat
  • Something to cover your eyes to deepen your experience by blocking light (not required, but highly recommended- eye cover, tshirt, scarf, etc)
  • A blanket to cover yourself in case you get cold
  • Pen and paper (or your journal) to jot down any thoughts or feels as needed (not required, but recommended)
  • Headphones to deepen your sound experience (not required, but highly recommmended)
  • Water to sip on as needed
  • An open mind, ready and willing to leaving feeling more you


Please refer to the FAQ section towards the bottom of this event page.

Don't miss this opportunity. Reserve your spot now 🎟️

**If you are unable to attend live, the replay will be sent via email after class. No experience necessary. Must be 18+. If you are/think you may be pregnant or have a severe uncontrolled physical or mental health condition, this practice is strongly not recommended.**

Meet The Breath Nurse

The Breath Nurse, Rachele Scevola, BSN, RN is a Registered Nurse turned certified, international Master Breathwork Coach. Her passion and mission lie in empowering others to return to their true nature through their breath so that they can live a more joyful, happy, healthy life- the life they desire and deserve.

With over a decade of critical care experience, Rachele's journey through burnout, serious chronic health issues, anxiety, depression, and PTSD led her out of her nursing career and into the healing space of breathwork and simple, intentional living filled with meaning and purpose.

**Although Rachele Scevola, aka The Breath Nurse, is a licensed healthcare professional, The Breath Nurse (Company) is not acting in the capacity of physicians, psychologists, or healthcare professionals. This event is NOT intended to treat or diagnose, and does not include treatment for or diagnosis of any illnesses, disease or disorders, whether physical, mental, psychological or emotional. **


"It's hard to put into words just how amazing Rachele is and how deeply transforming breathwork is, but I'll do my best. Rachele is so gifted at setting the intention for the experience, putting the music together and then skillfully guiding you through the journey. All you need is an open mind, open heart and a willingness to go deep into yourself and be transformed. I've done 2 classes so far and am signing up for one on one sessions. Breathwork will truly heal and transform youe life!"- Bielka R.

"Rachel is absolutely amazing and has so much to offer. Her classes are powerful and transformative. As a therapist, experiencing the breathwork techniques she has been trained in opened the door for me to explore more for myself professionally and personally."- Cory A.

""The Breath Nurse is the real deal. Qualified, committed, warm, and encouraging! I have felt safe and inspired to surrender to the Breathwork experience for my first two sessions. It's simple, yet so powerful, and Rachele knows how to hold a beautiful space for you to step in to your next best version. Sign up, heal, breathe through it, grow, enjoy!!"- John B.

Frequently asked questions

What type or style of breathwork will I be guided through?

The style of breathwork you'll be guided through is a conscious connected (circular) 3-part breath pattern style most similar to well known transformational or holotropic breathwork styles. There are many similar, but different styles of this particular type of breathwork.

Can I participate in this event?

You must be in good health to participate in this event. By participating, you are acknowledging that you are well enough to do so. Additionally, you are required to agree to a participation waiver (just like you would going to the gym, yoga, a massage, facial, etc.).

Is breathwork safe?

Yes, breathwork is generally a very safe for almost everyone to practice. Ultimately, you are in control the whole time, and how deep you go is up to you. That said, individuals with certain serious or recent health issues should not participate. Please ask The Breath Nurse if you are unsure.

Will this breathwork be like the breathwork I've done before?

Maybe yes, maybe no. There are many different types and styles of breathwork, both ancient and modern. Additionally, every facilitator is different in terms of organization, space holding, explanation, intention, weaving of other elements, and their own unique energy.

Will every event with The Breath Nurse be the same?

No. Every event with The Breath Nurse is unique. Although every event may follow a similar format for organization, each event differs in experience based on the intention, collective energy of everyone who is there, and the breathwork itself (including your energy and effort).

Why is breathwork so popular all of a sudden?

Breathwork is booming because it's amazing! The benefits are essentially endless and can absolutely be transformational and life changing. There is more and more research and information coming out every year supporting breathwork and its many benefits to our health and overall well-being.

Will audio or names be shared from this event?

Audio and names from this event will be shared through the replay only. Otherwise, audio and names will not be shared publicly.

Will I be photographed/recorded at this event?

Potentially. Only the active speaker is recorded for the replay. Therefore, everyone who attends live could potentially be recorded. Additionally, snippets of events may rarely be photographed for marketing and promotional purposes. You must consent to this possibility in order to participate.

Will this event be loud in general?

Depending on your level of noise sensitivity, it can be. Music will be played during breathwork. Also, The Breath Nurse will be offering voice guidance throughout and there will be controlled opportunities for you to speak aloud and potentially scream/make loud noises. All participants are muted.

Organized by

The Breath Nurse, Rachele Scevola, BSN, RN is a Registered Nurse turned certified, international Master Breathwork Coach. Her passion and mission lie in empowering others to return to their true nature through the healing, activation, and transformational power of breathwork to create and live the joyful, happy life they desire and deserve.

With over a decade of critical care experience, Rachele's journey through burnout, serious chronic health issues, anxiety, depression, and PTSD led her out of her nursing career and into the healing space of breathwork and simple, intentional living filled with meaning and purpose.

Rachele currently resides in the mountains local to Asheville, NC.

Follow The Breath Nurse on Instagram | Visit The Breath Nurse's website
