Break Free from Poverty Consciousness -  Los Angeles /Online

Break Free from Poverty Consciousness - Los Angeles /Online

Begin your journey to wealth and abundance. Break free from limiting beliefs and manifest a mindset of abundance.

By Kailasa Los Angeles-Nithyanandeshwara Hindu Temple


Los Angeles Zoom

Online Zoom Los Angeles, CA 90001

About this event

Life is accumulation. You consistently accumulate something in your life, consciously or not. If you are conscious, organized, and active, you accumulate wealth; otherwise, you accumulate poverty. Either you progress or lose, but accumulation is your life. Manifesting wealth is not a struggle to attract something out of reach or difficult to obtain; it is an inner state. You need to take responsibility for your desire and align your thoughts and actions in the right direction without being obsessed with the expected outcome.

If you are stuck at the level of wealth, unable to make money, don't worry, here is how to break out. You are stuck because of beliefs, thought currents that do not lead you to create wealth and keep you in a state of scarcity. With the right process and guidance, you can identify them and replace them with empowering beliefs that will allow you to create the life you want.

Begin your journey to wealth and abundance. Break free from limiting beliefs and manifest a mindset of abundance. Join Paramashivoham Level-3 for the guidance you need. Register now:

Paramashivoham Level-3 is a 21-day Yoga & Meditation online program, offered FREE out of Divine compassion by THE SUPREME PONTIFF OF HINDUISM (SPH), BHAGAVAN SRI NITHYANANDA PARAMASHIVAM.

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