Braver Angels Documentary Viewing

Braver Angels Documentary Viewing

"Braver Angels: Reuniting America" Documentary Screening, an Online Event. Learn how to discuss political issues without anger.

By Silicon Valley Braver Angels Alliance

Date and time

Saturday, May 2, 2020 · 1:30 - 3:30pm PDT



About this event

It all began in southwest Ohio, where Trump voters and Clinton voters gathered in Braver Angels' Red/Blue workshops in the months after the 2016 election.

Now, one workshop and its aftermath have been captured in Braver Angels: Reuniting America, a one-hour documentary film by Emmy-winning director Jim Brown and produced by Peter Yarrow of the legendary Peter, Paul, and Mary trio.

Braver Angels: Reuniting America shows 8 Democratic-leaning voters and 7 Republican-leaning voters moving through a Red/Blue workshop, from initial skepticism to understanding and empathy. You’ll see how a Democratic voter went from threatening to cut off relationships with Trump voters to becoming dear friends with one, and how a Republican voter moved from disdaining progressives to taking co-leadership with one in a movement that now spans the country.

For a preview, watch a four-minute clip from the Documentary at

You are invited to a screening on Saturday, May 2, 1:30 to 3:30 pm. After the documentary, there will be a discussion hosted by Braver Angels volunteers.

Location: Zoom videoconference. Watch on PC, tablet, or phone.

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