Black America - Start a Financial Services Business (ONLINE) -  Houston

Black America - Start a Financial Services Business (ONLINE) - Houston

Financial Success and Financial Independence is attainable, and doable when you position yourself to win. All you need is a winning system

By James Richard



About this event

What we're about:

Our Campaign: With the success of empowering 1 million families, we continue forward with a goal of financially educating 30 million people by 2030.

Our Mission: To build and protect wealth for families. We want to help people move from financial insecurity to financial success, freedom and independence.

Our Vision: To build a new industry with 1 million business Associates worldwide and revolutionize the financial services industry and to help solve the consumer's dilemma: lack of understanding planning and support.

You can learn the habits of successful people. Financial success through 6 Free Personal Finance Workshops at our office.

"The single biggest difference between financial success and financial failure is how well you manage your money. To master money, you must manage money." T. HARV EKER


James Richard, Financial Educator/Financial Professional


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