Bingo Night

Bingo Night

Come join us for a fun night of Bingo with awesome prizes, a 50/50 winnings, $2 per card, and winnings going to a great local charity!

By Botanical Brewing Taproom


Botanical Brewing Taproom

839 Miramar Street Cape Coral, FL 33904

About this event

Welcome to our exciting event at Botanical Brewing Taproom! Join us for a fun-filled evening of Bingo with amazing prizes up for grabs. Each card is only $2, and you'll have the chance to win big with our 50/50 winnings. Best of all, the winnings will go towards supporting a local charity. Don't miss out on this opportunity to have a great time while giving back to the community. See you there!

Registration is not required, however, the first 19 registrants will receive a free Bula. Simply show the registration to your Kavatender to receive your free bula. If the event is showing as full that is ok, come anyway, it just means the limit for free bula's has been reached!

Frequently asked questions

Can we use a charge card for our Bingo Tickets?

We advise bringing cash. We can accept credit card but it is not preferred as it is difficult to pay the charity.

Organized by

Join our Tribe! Enjoy all the fun you would at an alcoholic bar at our bar. Open Mic, Bingo, Trivia, Wellness Sessions, Dance Parties, Birthday Parties, Happy Hour, Early Bird Specials, you name it we do it. So if you enjoy having fun at a cool welcoming bar but don't need the alcohol, we are the perfect spot for you!