Original Pub Crawl Paris

Original Pub Crawl Paris

Join the Original Paris Pub Crawl! Explore vibrant neighborhoods, cozy bars, and lively clubs. Meet new friends and create memories.

By Welcome to our exhilarating New Year's Eve Pub Crawl!

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Generator Paris

9-11 Place du Colonel Fabien 75010 Paris France

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event


Engaging local nightlife guide

Visits to 3 diverse venues and 1 major club

Skip-the-line club entry privileges

Complimentary shots and exclusive drink specials

About this event

Come with us to explore the city's most iconic pubs and bars, ending the night at one of Paris's top clubs. This is your ticket to an unforgettable evening! Not sure where to find the best spots? Don’t worry, we’ve got it all planned. Join us as we reveal the hidden gems of Paris’s nightlife!

Essential Details for Your Pub Crawl Paris Adventure
Join us for an exhilarating evening at €15 per person, starting at 20:30 from a central location. Latecomers can catch up at 22:00. Experience a spectacular night, exploring Paris’s iconic bars and ending at a top club.

Guidelines and Extra Information for a Smooth Night
Ensure a smooth experience by adhering to the 18+ age requirement and carrying photo ID. A transit ticket may be needed. Drink responsibly, as disrespectful guests can be dismissed without a refund. Drink specials vary by venue, ensuring a fresh experience each time.

Inclusions to Enhance Your Pub Crawl Paris Experience
Your night includes a local nightlife guide, 3 unique venues, a club, skip-the-line club entry, complimentary shots, and drink specials. Every moment is curated to create unforgettable memories.

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