Better Together Book Club

Better Together Book Club

A book club for the mom that loves to read (even if she’s limited to audiobooks while folding laundry)

By Amanda Telles

Select date and time


The Lullabar, El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA, USA

7750 El Camino Real #Suite 5145-5150 Carlsbad, CA 92009


3:15 PM - 3:30 PM


A time to get to know one another.

3:30 PM - 4:20 PM


A time to share and listen. Participants are invited to help lead the discussion by asking a question from the handout that sparked their interest or pose a question of their own.

4:20 PM - 4:30 PM

Wrap Up

A time to say “until next time!” We’ll wrap up the discussion and introduce the book for our next meeting.

About this event

Welcome to the Better Together Book Club at The Lullabar! Join us in the cafe each month as we gather with fellow mothers to dive into the world of literature, accompanied by soothing cups of coffee or tea.

Our book club aims to create a space where moms can connect over shared experiences and explore the ideas, themes, and characters that resonate with our lives as mothers, daughters, spouses, and friends. We'll engage in lively discussions about the book, and we encourage everyone to share their personal experiences related to the topics we explore.

As a fundamental principle of our book club, we want to foster an environment free from any reading-related stress. We encourage everyone to participate, regardless of where they currently stand in the book. No need to rush or fret about finishing it all at once; let's savor the journey at our own pace.

We're pleased to announce that childcare services will be available during our meetings. Be sure to reserve your child's spot in advance on The Lullabar website, ensuring you can fully immerse yourself in the book club experience.

As we embark on our journey together, we'll choose our future book club selections collectively, allowing participants to vote on books for future discussion

Join us at The Lullabar for a delightful blend of literature, relaxation, and meaningful connections. Let's uncover the beauty of storytelling and the shared joys and struggles of motherhood. Reserve your spot now, and we look forward to welcoming you into our vibrant community of book-loving moms!

monthly book selection

Check out our facebook page to see this month's book selection.

Better Together Book Club FB Page

about the hosts


As a literature major and former elementary school teacher, I've always been obsessed with the power of stories. Some of my favorites novels are "Peace Like a River" and "Gilead.” I'm always diving into 2-3 books at a time—thank goodness for audiobooks! Being a teacher and mom has sparked my interests in children's books, and I adore experiencing them anew through the eyes of my wonderful daughters. Can't wait to share my love for reading with all of you at our next meeting!


I am a mom of an adorable two-year-old daughter and an attorney. After having my daughter (during a pandemic) I missed connecting with others and building new friendships. I hope to do that with a book club where we can find fun and interesting reads that will spark easy conversation and new friendships in the midst of our busy lives as moms. Recently, I’ve really enjoyed reading any book by Glennon Doyle - her stories are so relatable and inspirational.

The Lullabar is a wellness cafe for mothers and caregivers to receive self-care services while the little ones are safely entertained nearby.

Lullabar Website


Childcare is available during the book club.

Walk-ins are available however, we suggest calling ahead or booking online to ensure you have a spot. The child monitor-to-child ratio is 1:5.

PRICING: The cost is $35 per child per 2-hour childcare. $25 for a sibling, and $20 for a third child.

book childcare

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