Bellevue 2044 - Planning for the Future -  规划未来 - 規劃未來

Bellevue 2044 - Planning for the Future - 规划未来 - 規劃未來

What does the next twenty years hold for Bellevue? Come learn about how the city is planning for growth and share your ideas for the future.

By City of Bellevue

Date and time

Thursday, March 9, 2023 · 6 - 7:30pm PST



About this event

It’s no surprise that Bellevue is growing. Recent census data shows that King County is one of the fastest growing places in the country. That growth is expected to continue and the Puget Sound region is projected to add 1.8 million people by 2050.

Bellevue's Comprehensive Plan is our tool for proactively planning for growth and maintaining a high quality of life. The plan looks ahead twenty years and sets our vision and goals so people who live, work and play in Bellevue:

  • Can find housing that meets their needs at a variety of affordability levels.
  • Enjoy parks and green space and recreation opportunities,
  • Have access to jobs and economic opportunity.
  • Are able to get around using all kinds of transportation options .
  • And so much more!

People are the heart of the plan and hearing from people about their hopes for the future is an important part of the process.

You are invited to join city staff to learn more about the Comprehensive Plan and share your thoughts about the future.

To learn more about the Comprehensive Plan visit

Bellevue 的持续发展在意料之中。 近期人口普查资料显示,King 县是国内发展最快的地方之一。 发展态势预计会延续下去,到 2050 年,Puget Sound 地区预计将增加 180 万人口。

Bellevue 的综合计划 (Comprehensive Plan) 是我们主动规划发展和维系高品质生活的工具。 该计划展望未来二十年,并设定了我们的愿景和目标,以便在 Bellevue 居住、工作和游乐的人们实现:

• 在各种价位找到满足需求的房屋。

• 享受公园、绿色空间和娱乐机会。

• 获得工作和经济发展机会。

• 利用各种交通选项出行。

• 还有更多!




Bellevue 的持續發展在意料之中。 近期人口普查資料顯示,King 縣是國內發展最快的地方之一。 發展態勢預計會延續下去,到 2050 年,Puget Sound 地區預計將增加 180 萬人口。

Bellevue 的綜合計畫 (Comprehensive Plan) 是我們主動規劃發展和維繫高品質生活的工具。 該計畫展望未來二十年,並且設定了我們的願景和目標,以便在 Bellevue 居住、工作和遊樂的人們實現:

• 在各種價位找到滿足需求的房屋。

• 享受公園、綠色空間和娛樂機會。

• 獲得工作和經濟發展機會。

• 利用各種交通選項出行。

• 還有更多!




For alternate formats, interpreters, or reasonable accommodation requests please phone at least 48 hours in advance 425-452-6930 (voice) or email For complaints regarding accommodations, contact City of Bellevue ADA/Title VI Administrator at 425-452-6168 (voice). If you are deaf or hard of hearing dial 711. All meetings are wheelchair accessible.

If you have any questions regarding the ADA statement above or need help please reach out to ADA Coordinator Blayne Amson, or 425-452-6168.

如需替代格式、传译服务或申请合理的便利援助,请至少提前 48 小时致电 425-452-6930(语音)或传送电邮至。 关于便利援助的投诉,请拨打 425-452-6168(语音)联络 Bellevue 市《美国残疾人方案》(Americans with Disabilities Act, ADA)/《1964 年民权法案》第 6 篇 (Title VI) 管理员。 如果您失聪或有听力障碍,请拨打 711。 所有会议均方便轮椅使用者参与。

如果您对上述 ADA 声明有任何疑问或需要帮助,请传送电邮至 或致电 425-452-6168 联系 ADA 协调员 Blayne Amson。

如需替代格式、傳譯服務或申請合理的便利援助,請至少提前 48 小時致電 425-452-6930(語音)或傳送電郵至。 關於便利援助的投訴,請撥打 425-452-6168(語音)聯絡 Bellevue 市《美國殘疾人方案》(Americans with Disabilities Act, ADA)/《1964 年民權法案》第 6 篇 (Title VI) 管理員。 如果您失聰或有聽力障礙,請撥打 711。 所有會議均方便輪椅使用者參與。

如果您對上述 ADA 聲明有任何疑問或需要幫助,請傳送電郵至 或致電 425-452-6168 聯絡 ADA 協調員 Blayne Amson。

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