Be Your Own Healer

Be Your Own Healer

Daily Tantra Practice for Mind, Body & Spirit

By Naughty Monkey

Date and time

March 27 · 6am - August 7 · 7am PDT



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About this event

Rebalance your nervous system with Ecstatic Dance, breathwork, stretching and emotional yoga so that you can respond instead of reacting to the constantly changing world and recognize the Divine Play happening all around you all the time.Naughty Monkey will be teaching the daily Tantric practice called GAIASETS. It is an acronym for

G : Gratitude
A: Acceptance
I : Intention
A: Activate Body (ecstatic dance, yoga)
S: Still your mind (pranayama, toning)
E: Energize Sex (we will keep it PG : kegels synced with breath and visualization)
T: Transmute with Breathwork (Wim Hoff, Cobra Breath)
S: Send it out (compassion)

You can find multiple benefits for each of these in scientific research and done together as a daily practice, it can create transformations which look like miracles.

Organized by

After going through a divorce, I recognized that I was never taught even basic relationship and intimacy skills. I have condensed the wisdom and tools from many modalities to piece together a basic curriculum to create more full potential humans and thus heal the people and the planet.
