automation brew. emea

automation brew. emea

join our weekly conversations about automation, integration & inspiration over some sips of coffee. multiple topics in 5-min increments...


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About this event

In partnership with NoCodeOps Community, we would like to welcome you to automation brew. A unique space designed specifically for those who get excited about low-code and automation. This is the place where you can engage with like-minded individuals, share your ideas and frustrations, discuss integrations, and have a good time.

What It's Not:

This isn't your typical webinar, workshop, or Q&A session.

What It Is:

It's a meetup, a conversation, a hub for automation and low-code lovers.

Speak Your Mind

Got an opinion about an app or a question on your mind? Don't hold back! We encourage you to express your thoughts freely. And who knows, we might even put you on the spot to share with us your methods.

At our core, we're about creating a friendly and engaging environment where everyone can contribute to the conversation about automation. So, pull up a chair, pour yourself a brew, and let's delve into the exciting world of automation together. You're among friends here!

Organized by

In partnership with NoCodeOps Community, we are hosting a series of automation specific events, that hope to inspire, inform and connect you to other no-code automation enthusiasts.

We excel at seamlessly integrating API-enabled apps to streamline workflows, reduce costs, and expand capacity. Collaborate and connect with our seasoned experts and watch your organisation thrive through automation excellence.
