Ask The Publishers - Join The Book Club

Ask The Publishers - Join The Book Club

Learn to be a publisher for others. Need concise answers about your publishing career? We can do that! We Publish, Promote, and Perform.

By M.O.R.E. Publishers CO

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Ask The Publishers.

Join The Book Club.

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We Got Stories!

We Publish, Promote, and Perform our works.
Thursdays, 7 P.M.

How To Become A Publisher (For Others)

• Publish Reviews

• Critique Services Available

• Editing Services Available

• Financial Plans (Personal, Business)

• 90-Day Promo Plan

1st Thursday of the month we broadcast on WKRA 92.7 FM and Facebook Live.

Zoom Sessions are to the point. Self-publishers need to come be a part of the sessions.

"Listen" to We Got Stories videos. Then sign up to "Get" a published review of your book! Come, join us and "Learn" to be a publisher for others.

  • Join authors, publishers and reviewers for critiques.
  • Q&A sessions
  • Promote your works.

Want to earn money reading? Write reviews. Select, read, write and publish book reviews for books from the website and/or local bookstores that sell M.O.R.E. books. Earn $50.

Submit the book reviews for each M.O.R.E. Publishers CO's book that you read using the following guidelines. Then from your published written review submissions, earn $50. You will not be compensated for other book-list reviews. You are welcome to perform during the monthly Zoom and POD Cast presentations, book reviews using any author. NOTE: Financial compensation will only be awarded for reviews about those books from the website.

1 ) Two or more family members or friends cannot submit the same book reviews.

2) Duplicate book reviews will disqualify the entries and void the chance for entrants receiving financial compensation.

3) Book reviews may be submitted orally, via YouTube. Mail the YouTube link, one printed copy of the review, and the original store purchase receipt. Send all information to The Scale Magazine, P.O. Box 621, Collierville, TN 38027-0621.

4 ) Chosen reviews will be A) read on the POD Cast @, and B) later published in an edition of The Scale Magazine. However, The Scale Magazine reserves the right to publish all or none of the submissions.

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to write a book review, that I found on the internet.

Describe the Book

List the title, author and ISBN, along with your name as the reviewer. Write a few lines to describe the book. However, be careful when you are giving the description of the book. Do not give away any plot twists and spoil the book for the readers. A better way is to refer to similar books. Mention them. Give the reader an idea of what the book is all about.

Discuss Your Point of View

It is essential that you talk about what you liked in the book. You can talk about a certain chapter or quote. Some other things to include are your impression of a favorite character, event, quote, and scene.

Your Opinion

Mention how the book made you feel. In what way did it keep you engaged and curious till the end?


In the case of non-fiction works, explain some informative points. What theories and concepts were explained perfectly in each book? In what way did the book help your personal work?

All these questions will help you write a book review that will impress your teachers, boss, or peers.


After writing about all the things that you like in the book, it is time you talked about the parts of the book that you disliked. However, make sure that you explain the reasons behind your dislike.

Conclude Your Review

To help the author, conclude the review by summarizing some of your thoughts on the book and suggestions about what kind of readers would like the book the most (For instance: older or younger readers or people who are fans of drama, mystery, or comedy). When it comes to more facts and science-related books, you can talk about how the book is more suitable for readers who are doing or have done work in any science-related subject.

Rate the Book

This is an optional part. You can give the book a rating of 1 (Low) out of 10 (High). At times there is an audience who may be in a rush, and all the readers want is to know the ratings. So, this is perfect for your peers or the layman who just want to know if the book is worth buying or checking out of the library or not.

Remember to Proofread

Once you have completed writing the review, proofread the review and make sure your grammar and spellings are on point. Keep in mind that a review with language mistakes may not be taken seriously. The payee reserves the right not to pay in his/her opinion, for reviews that are full of jargon and grammatical errors, or full of profane statements.


Select, read and write 10 book reviews from the website or stores that carry M.O.R.E. Publishers' authors books. Submit all 10 reviews.

Earn one (1) stipend ($50) for the best submitted review (in the payee's opinion). Join the Zoom and/or "We Got Stories" Spotify series where your review will be read and talked about.

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Festivals, book signings, recitals, and videography are specialty areas for M.O.R.E. Publishers CO and affiliate organizations. Social media connections are done through represented individual clients.
