(Americas) Official Global Ambassador Videoconference for Candidates

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(Americas) Official Global Ambassador Videoconference for Candidates

By Virtual Organization Management Institute

Date and time

February 10, 2016 · 10am - January 16, 2019 · 11am PST




VOMI LogoFor Immediate Assistance

Pierre Coupet

Dear Colleague,

Thank you for accepting my invitation to join me as an Official Global Ambassador on the new VOMI Global Think Tank.

This weekly Global Ambassador group videoconference is scheduled every Wednesday from 10 AM - 11 AM PST USA (click here for your time zone) for Global Ambassador candidates from the AMERICAS and is designed to facilitate the following:

  • To provide you with a brief overview of the formal board member onboarding process and Next Steps

  • A live Q & A (question and answer) session

I look forward to hearing from and meeting with you soon - and to having you on board.

Best regards,


Pierre Coupet


VOMI Global Think Tank

Chairman, CEO & Q of Virtual Organization Management

Virtual Organization Management Institute

818-741-1123 | chairman@virtualorganizationinstitute.com

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Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI) is the world's leading and only global 100% virtual educational institute, think tank, professional association, certification and accreditation provider, and conference producer strictly focused on the modern virtual organization management discipline pioneered by its founder since 1997.

VOMI Virtual Organization Academy, a partner of VOMI,  is the world's leading and only virtual organization sabbatical destination for corporate, government and academia executives who seek to experience life in a 100% virtual organization environment for a limited period of time.

Virtual Organization Recruiter, a partner of VOMI, is the world's leading and only provider of "Virtual Organization Aptitude Assessment" and "Virtual Organization Leadership Assessment and Certification" solutions to corporate, government and academia.

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