Aleph Volleyball Tournament #3

Aleph Volleyball Tournament #3

By Aleph

Date and time

Thursday, June 6, 2019 · 4 - 8pm IDT


Metzitzim Beach

Tel Aviv Israel


Kick up some sand and have fun in the sun at our third Volleyball game. Join us for a team practice, tournament and post-game chillout as we formally begin our summer festivities. If you don't know how to play, worry not, we will have a training session before the game or you can support the teams while practicing your Matkot skills (simply chilling with a beer also works).


16:00-16:30: Gathering & dividision into teams
16:30-17:15: Training session
17:15-18:30: Tournament
18:30-19:00: Finals
19:00: Prizes

Check out how it looked last year

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