AI Uncorked: Boca Raton

AI Uncorked: Boca Raton

Help us uncork the AI future (and a bottle vino) at "AI Uncorked", an event series you won't want to miss - Cheers!

By The SilverLogic

Select date and time


The SilverLogic

6413 Congress Avenue #130 Boca Raton, FL 33487


5:30 PM - 6:00 PM


6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Panel Discussion

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

More Networking

About this event

  • 3 hours

Are you ready for an extraordinary fusion of technology, creativity, and inspiration? "AI Uncorked" invites you to an exciting and playful evening where we uncork the potential of artificial intelligence while enjoying a glass of 🍷.

We believe that brilliant ideas flow best when minds are relaxed and spirits are high. Join us at The SilverLogic office in Boca Raton for a captivating event that blends insightful discussions about AI with grape-powered networking.

April Speaker: Chad J. Gottlieb is a Partner, Chief Growth Officer and Chair of the Corporate & Business Transactions Practice Group at DarrowEverett. He focuses primarily on M&A, private equity, securities law, corporate law, IP, and marketing and telemarketing compliance, and federal and state consumer protection laws. As part of the firm’s continuing growth initiatives, he’s ensuring DarrowEverett utilizes AI in ways that benefit the firm and its clients.

April Topic: Chad will take us through what he is seeing and what he expects to see as Generative AI seeps into the digital landscape.

  • AI in the Legal Field: How AI changes the way law works.
  • AI Regulations: Current guidance and future regulations.
  • AI and Development of Case Law: How AI affects legal decisions and precedents.
  • Protecting Your IP with Spread of AI: Keeping your data safe as AI grows.

Frequently asked questions

Will there be food at the event?

Yes! We know it's dinner time and will be providing snacks to complement the wine throughout the evening.

Can I bring a guest to the event?

Absolutely! We encourage you to invite friends and colleagues who share your interest in AI and wine. While we prefer each attendee RSVP, feel free to recruit friends and colleagues at the last minute!

Will non-alcoholic options be available for those who don't drink alcohol?

Absolutely! We'll have a selection of non-alcoholic beverages available for those who prefer not to drink alcohol.

Will there be opportunities to interact with the panelists?

Yes, we start each session with Q&A so the panel can be geared to audience interests. We also encourage speakers to hang out after to provide 1-on-1 opportunies.

Are there sponsorship opportunities available for businesses?

Yes, we offer sponsorship opportunities for businesses interested in supporting "AI Uncorked" and gaining exposure to our diverse audience. For more information, please contact Chris -

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