AI Employees OTO -✅️all 7 OTOs' Links + Bonuses 2024

AI Employees OTO -✅️all 7 OTOs' Links + Bonuses 2024

AI Employees OTO -✅️all 7 OTOs' Links + Bonuses 2024

By Bonuses For You

Date and time

Monday, June 24 · 8 - 10pm PDT




AI Employees OTO -✅️all 7 OTOs' Links + Bonuses 2024

About this event

  • 2 hours

Introducing AI Employees: Revolutionizing the Freelancing Industry

Welcome to the future of freelancing with AI Employees OTO, the world’s first and only app that instantly creates an AI-run marketplace akin to Fiverr. This innovative platform offers AI-generated services such as content writing, copywriting, image creation, chatbots, audio production, voiceovers, translation, video creation, and much more.


OTOs Don’t Work If You Don’t Have Front End, Can Get Any 1 Or More OTOs From Below If Already Got Front End!

AI Employees FE – Coupon Code: AITASK
>>>Grab The Early Bird Offer

OTO1: AI Employees Unlimited [$20 Discount]

OTO2: AI Employees DFY [$20 Discount]

OTO3: AI Employees Automation [$3 Discount]

OTO4: AI Employees Audience Traffic [$10 Discount]

OTO5: AI Employees Agency Edition [$20 Discount]

OTO6: AI Employees Reseller Edition [$30 Discount]

OTO7: 150K Live Workshop [$10 Discount]

➡️ See AI Employees in DEMO Here!


AI Employees OTO: is the World’s First & ONLY App That INSTANTLY Creates AI-Run “Fiverr-Like” Marketplace That Sells AI-Generated Services Like: Content Writing, Copywriting, Images, Chatbots, Audios, Voiceover, Translation, Videos, And More.

Did You Know The Freelancing Industry Is Worth $3 TRILLION Dollars? It’s booming by the day… And there are dozens of different sites, where freelancers offer their services..You’ve likely used these sites yourself. Freelancing sites like: Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer. And there are countless others.Freelancing is a huge part of the new, post-COVID digital economy. Now, you might be asking yourself this question. The problem is Most People Don’t Have A Service To Provide As A Freelancer. It’s quite straightforward.

​If you get a wound, you go to a doctor, and pay for their skills to heal the wound. The same goes for freelancing. You are paying people for their EXPERTISE. And lets face it… Not everyone has a marketable skill people are willing to pay for. That’s Why They Created An App That Combines Artificial Intelligence + Freelancing. It’s like peanut butter and jelly or bread and butter. Freelancing + artificial intelligence is a lethally profitable combination. You see, from before… Humans needed to fulfill these freelancing jobs. And still, some are too advanced for AI. However, there are hundreds of different services AI can deliver, at the same quality as a human. Introducing AI Employees.

AI Employees Review – About Author

Please allow us to introduce Akshat Gupta, a visionary marketer with an eye for innovation, who has been making waves in the industry with his groundbreaking product, AI Employees. Known for his creative problem-solving skills and deep understanding of market dynamics, Akshat has successfully harnessed the power of artificial intelligence to transform digital marketing. His brainchild—AI Employees—embodies this excellence by deploying 25 highly skilled virtual assistants that can perform a variety of marketing tasks quickly and efficiently. With AI Employees capable of completing complex tasks in under 60 seconds, Akshat’s pioneering approach not only simplifies processes but also sets new standards for productivity and efficiency in this field. This bold venture underlines Akshat Gupta’s role as a pioneer who is constantly pushing boundaries to redefine what is possible in modern marketing.


  • Logo Creation: Leverage the immense power of thisI to effortlessly design logos that look like they were created by a highly-paid designer. There are billions of businesses in the world, so the demand for new logos will never end. This service is simple, high paying, and AI Employees’s AI can handle it with absolute ease!
  • Graphic Design: Not only can it create logos, it can create virtually any kind of graphic needed. Whether it’s about creating eye-catching logos, stunning posters, or any other form of graphic art, It has got you covered. But it’s not just logos that AI Employees excels at; it’s capable of crafting almost any kind of graphic you might need, opening up a world of possibilities for businesses and individual users alike.
  • Copywriting: Use the finesse of AI Employees’s AI to quickly whip up stunning copy for your clients that gets people to say “shut up and take my money!” You can sell sales letters, landing pages, emails, upsell pages, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, video scripts, literally anything. And you won’t have to write a single word yourself, because the AI does 100% of the work for you.
  • Write Ebooks: People are always wanting eBooks written. Sadly, they normally cost an arm and a leg on sites like Fiverr. This creates an opportunity for you to use it, and use it’s AI to quickly write eBooks in just seconds. Remember, it doesn’t matter the topic, ItI is advanced enough to write engaging content on anything.
  • Website Design: In addition to copywriting, you can also sell website design services as a bundle, or separately. It can design sleek, sexy looking websites, for any kind of person or business. Whether it’s a website for a pizza shop, or beauty parlor, it’ll put together a masterpiece, regardless of what it is.
  • Programming: This is yet another VERY lucrative service. People hate coding, and they’re willing to pay $1,000s, or even $10,000s. It takes just a few customers to turn this into a full income. And remember, AI Employees’s AI codes for you, and it can write code in any programming language, including PHP, Javascript, Ruby, C++, C#, HTML, CSS, and dozens of others.
  • Copywriting: There are thousands of people who were delivered buggy code by their developer, and they’re willing to pay to have it fixed. It will automatically debug the code for you, and the customer will pay you, even though you did none of the work!
  • Web Apps: You can charge $10,000+ for a basic app. You just need 1 customer per month to make $10,000 per month. Just ask your customer to describe in detail the app they want, and it will create it.
  • Code Debugging: There are thousands of people who were delivered buggy code by their developer, and they’re willing to pay to have it fixed. It will automatically debug the code for you, and the customer will pay you, even though you did none of the work!
  • Article Writing: You can easily charge $50-100 per article, and AI Employees’s AI can whip them up in just seconds. These articles written by the AI are 100% SEO friendly and quickly rank, so your customers will be begging for more articles to be written.
  • Search Engine Optimization: AI Employees’s AI can also optimize already existing content that’s optimized to rank on all the search engines. You will be shocked at how fast the 1st page rankings come, even for high competition keywords.
  • Transcription Services: You can easily charge $200-1,000 per audio or video transcription, all thanks to AI Employees’s Speech to Text. Just ask your customer for the video or audio file they want to transcribe, and AI Employees’s AI will get it done.

How Do AI Employees Work ?

  • Step 1 – Access the Dashboard

First, obtain a copy of AI Employees and proceed to log in to the user-friendly dashboard. This will be your main interface where you can manage all functionalities seamlessly.

  • Step 2 – Select Your Ideal AI Employees

Next, browse through our extensive selection of AI Employees and choose one that perfectly matches your requirements. Our platform offers a diverse range of niche-specific AI Employees, each equipped with an array of skills ready for immediate deployment.

  • Step 3 – Generate Revenue

Finally, leverage the capabilities of your chosen AI Employees to generate ongoing revenue streams effortlessly. Whether you’re interested in packaging their services for sale or leasing their abilities to clients, utilizing these advanced tools can drive considerable sales growth and consistent income generation.

AI Employees – Benefits of AI Employees

You have joined us through the features that only this product can bring if you have it in hand. And we believe you already have a certain view about AI Employees. To give readers an overview through this AI Employees review article, we will dive into the countless benefits of integrating AI Employees into your business, from convenience and efficiency Improved efficiency drives business growth and ensures customer satisfaction.

Convenient and efficient

Complete tasks quickly

One of the most notable advantage of AI Employees is their ability to complete tasks at unprecedented speeds. By delegating marketing responsibilities to AI Employees, businesses can save significant time and effort. These digital workers can perform repetitive and time-consuming tasks quickly, allowing employees to focus on more strategic and creative efforts. This not only improves overall productivity but also speeds up project progress, giving businesses a competitive advantage in the market.

Available 24/7

Unlike humans, AI Employees can work around the clock. This 24/7 availability ensures that tasks are completed efficiently and without delay, even outside of regular business hours. For global businesses operating in multiple time zones, this round-the-clock functionality is especially beneficial. It ensures continuous operations and provides a seamless experience to customers, thereby enhancing the company’s reputation for reliability and responsiveness.

Skill diversity and productivity

Supports multiple languages

In our increasingly globalized world, language barriers can pose significant challenges for businesses looking to reach diverse audiences. However, AI Employees are often equipped with support for more than 100 languages. This multilingual proficiency allows businesses to serve global audiences, expand their marketing reach, and enter new markets. As a result, businesses can communicate more effectively with international customers, foster stronger relationships and accelerate growth.

Specialized AI staff

Another important benefit of AI Employees is their specialization in different fields. Whether it’s content creation, data analysis, customer service, or marketing automation, there are AI Employees designed to handle a variety of tasks with expertise. This expertise enables businesses to handle diverse marketing projects efficiently and with high professionalism. By leveraging specialized AI Employees, businesses can ensure that each task is performed with precision and expertise, delivering better results and higher customer satisfaction.

Business growth and profit maximization

Unlimited income potential

One of the most compelling reasons to integrate AI Employees into your business is the potential to tap into new revenue streams. By leveraging the capabilities of AI Employees, businesses can discover and take advantage of different revenue opportunities that were previously unattainable. Whether it’s launching new marketing campaigns, optimizing existing processes, or exploring innovative business models, AI Employees provide the tools and extensibility needed to drive increased revenue.

Ability of extension

Scalability is an important factor for any growing business. With AI Employees, businesses can flexibly expand operations easily. The ability to deploy unlimited AI Employees and handle unlimited projects can simultaneously lead to increased profits and sustainable business growth. This scalability ensures that businesses can respond to market demands quickly and efficiently without being constrained by resource constraints.

Customer satisfaction and professionalism

Custom domain integration

In today’s competitive market, branding and customer experience are paramount. AI Employees can enhance branding efforts by integrating custom domains, which enhances credibility and professionalism. A custom domain not only strengthens your business’s brand identity, but also provides a seamless and personalized experience for your customers. This attention to detail can significantly impact customer perception and loyalty, driving long-term relationships and repeat business.

Client Projects Profit Maximization

AI Employees offer the potential to dramatically increase profits, both for self-projects and client projects. By leveraging the speed, efficiency, and expertise of AI Employees, businesses can achieve up to 10x profits. This substantial profit maximization is a result of reduced operational costs, faster project completion times, and the ability to handle more projects simultaneously. Ultimately, this leads to higher client satisfaction and retention, as clients see tangible results and value from their investment.


Front-end: AI Employees ($17)

1-Click Makes Google’s AI Employees Work For You, 24*7 Non-Stop!

The World’s First AI App Supercharged With Google’s Highly Trained & Experienced 20 AI Employees That Completes All Your Marketing Tasks In Less Than 60 Seconds…

Let’s Revisit Everything You’re Getting With AI Employees…

  • One-time investment gives you access to Highly-Trained AI Employees…
  • Google’s Latest AI Employee Team Creates All Your Marketing Materials In Less Than 60 Secs…
  • Give Simple Keyword Or Voice Command & Get Your Tasks Done
  • DFY, 20 Highly-Experienced AI Employees Working For You 24*7 Non-Stop.
  • Command AI Employee “Rhyan Anderson” – Who Creates World-Class Websites In Any Niche & Language
  • Create High-Converting Sales Funnels With Sales Funnel Specialist Olivia
  • Send Unlimited Email & SMS Campaigns Using Your Email Campaign Manager “Emily Johnson.”
  • Craft Ultra-HD AI Images, Arts, Logos & Graphics For Maximum Conversion
  • Command Your Video Creator Liam Murphy – Who Creates 4K AI Videos
  • Craft High-Converting Copies & Blog Posts With AI Employee “Emma Brown”
  • Generate Unlimited AI Voice-Overs With Voice-Over Artist “Sarah Mitchell”
  • Compose Ai Music & Video Songs In Any Language Using Your Music AI Expert “Leonard Johnson”…
  • Create & Sell Best-Selling AI Courses With Course Developer “Murli Vijay”
  • Rank Your Websites & Pages On The First Page Of Google & Yahoo
  • AI Expert “Isabella Rossi – Manages Your Social Media Accounts & Posts.
  • Create & Embed Unlimited Chatbots For Better Engagement & Sales…
  • Create Stunning eBooks & Flipbooks With A Single Keyword
  • AI Employee “Mireille Darc” Provides Unlimited AI Stock Media Assets
  • Create Stunning AI Avatar Videos In Any Niche Commanding AI Employee “Daniel Victor”
  • Your Affiliate Manager – Paul McGrath Does All The Affiliate Marketing For You
  • Ai Employees Mobile Edition – VALUE: $297
  • Lifetime FREE Updates – VALUE: PRICELESS
  • 24*7 Support & 100% Uptime Guaranteed – VALUE: PRICELESS
  • Step-By-Step Training Videos – VALUE: $297
  • Exclusive Bonuses : PRICELESS

Total Value Of Everything YOU GET TODAY: $4,785.00

OTO1: AI Employees Unlimited

Attention: Activate UNLIMITED Account & Remove All The Limits

UNLOCK: Unlimited Account Features And 10x Your Profit & Sales In Just 1-Click – Reseller License Included!

Unlock: Unlimited Website Creation, Unlimited Hosting, Unlimited Niches, Unlimited Website Templates, Unlimited Selling To Clients, Unlimited Fonts & Text Styles, Unlimited Languages, Unlimited Elements & Web Animations, Unlimited AI Contents, Unlimited Commercial License & Unlimited Profits…

ATTENTION: Unlock UNLIMITED To Remove All The Limits For Infinite Profits!

  • Remove All The Limits From Your Account…
  • Unlock Unlimited Websites Creations.
  • Unlock Unlimited Website Hosting..
  • Unlock Unlimited CyberSecurity Feature.
  • Unlock Unlimited Domain & Subdomains
  • Unlock Unlimited Niches & Languages.
  • Unlock Unlimited HQ Website Templates.
  • Unlock Unlimited AI Content Creations.
  • Unlock Unlimited Web Animations..
  • Unlock unlimited AI Website Assets…
  • Unlock Unlimited Website Layouts…
  • Unlock Unlimited DFY Campaigns…
  • Unlock Unlimited Website Analytics Report
  • Unlock Unlimited Social Media Sharing
  • Unlock Unlimited Everything…
  • Commercial Licence Included…
  • Unlock Unlimited Daily Selling On Fiverr Or Your Clients Directly…
  • It Gives Massive Unfair Advantage Over Other Members of AI Employees….

OTO2: AI Employees DFY

Let Us Do All The Hard Work For You

We’ll Setup, Host & Launch Your DREAM Website In Your Preferred Niche And Language…

We’ll Also Monetize Your Website With DFY Campaigns Which Makes You $500-1000 Per Day

  • Let Us Setup Your AI Employees Account…
  • Let Us Create Your Dream Website In Your Preferred Niche & Language…
  • We’ll Monetize Your Website With Money Making Methods…
  • We’ll Also Load your Account with Self-Updating High-quality Blog Posts Daily
  • Let Us Drive Targeted Buyers Traffic…
  • Get Everything 100% Done-For-You…
  • Work 1-On-1 With Our Support Team…
  • We’ll make sure you’re getting Making At least $500-1000 Daily..
  • You’re backed by our 30 Day Risk Free, Money Back Guarantee…

OTO3: AI Employees Automation

Put AI Employees On Complete Automation..

3 Clicks = Flood Your AI Employees, Websites & Offers With High-Quality Targeted Traffic Even While You’re Sleeping…

Press A Few Buttons To Activate || 100% Built-in Traffic || Proven To Work

  • 100% FREE Automated Traffic…
  • Creates & Posts Self-Updating AI Songs Daily On Your Spotify Like Websites…
  • Drive Targeted Traffic To Your AI Song Videos, Offers & Websites…
  • Promote Affiliate Offers With This Sales Generating Proven Traffic…
  • Put Your AI Employees Account on Complete Automation…
  • Start Your Own Solo Ads Agency…
  • Get An Unfair Advantage Over Other Users & 10X Better Result…

OTO4: AI Employees Audience Traffic

Want To Make An Extra $500-1000 Daily?


INTRODUCING AI Employees – AI Audience

  • Add $500-1000 In Extra Earnings Daily
  • Start Getting AI Audience From Our Pool Of Millions Of Proven Buyers…
  • The Same AI Audience Source We’re Banking Thousands With…
  • ​We Spent Years Creating This Source And You Get To Enjoy OUR Hard Work….
  • ​Traffic Is The Lifeblood Of Any Online Business, Which You’re Getting With This Upgrade…
  • ​Fuel Your Campaigns With Fresh, Targeted Buyer Traffic DAILY…

OTO5: AI Employees Agency Edition

Want Some FREE Cash On Complete Autopilot?

Grab Agency Upgrade To Create Limitless AI Employees Accounts For Your Clients & Start Profiting Like Never Before…

  • Create limitless accounts for your client for maximum profits…
  • Central Dashboard: Control client’s account from here…
  • User friendly Agency Dashboard
  • Built in commercial agency license
  • Manage Users, Add or Delete them
  • Charge Monthly or One time at your own pricing

OTO6: AI Employees Reseller Edition

Would You Like To Get Access To Resell AI Employees & Keep 100% Profit From Your Sales?

Get access to all our sales materials from salespages to VSLs without any extra charge….

  • Done For You Product Support
  • Done For You Sales Materials
  • You keep 100% Profit From Sales

OTO7: 150K Live Workshop

Our Step-by-Step Training To Make $150K/Month

Using AI Employees + Secret Platforms That Gives Us Traffic & Sales

34 Users Are Already Made 5 Figures. So Be One Of Them. Watch This & Lock Your Spot Now

Who Is The Ideal Customer?

The ideal customers for AI Employees include entrepreneurs, small business owners, marketing professionals, and startup founders who prioritize efficiency and growth.

They are open to new technologies and seek solutions to streamline their marketing efforts and drive business success.

This customer is proactive, and adaptable, and sees AI Employees as a strategic investment to achieve their goals and stay ahead in a competitive market.

AI Employees Review- Pluses And Minuses


  • AI Employees streamlines marketing tasks, saving time and effort for entrepreneurs and business owners.
  • With 25 AI-skilled experts spanning multiple niches, users can access expertise tailored to their specific needs.
  • The ability to unlock unlimited website creations, hosting, and cybersecurity features offers boundless growth opportunities.
  • You can integrate custom domains and access a wide range of high-quality website templates, ensuring a professional and personalized online presence.
  • AI Employees support over 100 languages, enabling businesses to connect with diverse audiences worldwide.
  • If you have any inquiries, let the support team help you.


  • This product is dependent on having a working internet connection for access.


REMEMBER! If you buy this product through my link, you can also get these huge bonuses (Please remember that these bonuses are not for the TRIAL or FREE versions)

You can have an opportunity to receive extra bonuses if you finish 2 steps below:

♦ Step 1: Order the product by Clicking here.

AI Employees FE – Coupon Code: AITASK
>>>Grab The Early Bird Offer

OTO1: AI Employees Unlimited [$20 Discount]

OTO2: AI Employees DFY [$20 Discount]

OTO3: AI Employees Automation [$3 Discount]

OTO4: AI Employees Audience Traffic [$10 Discount]

OTO5: AI Employees Agency Edition [$20 Discount]

OTO6: AI Employees Reseller Edition [$30 Discount]

OTO7: 150K Live Workshop [$10 Discount]

➡️ See AI Employees in DEMO Here!

♦ Step 2: After your purchase goes through, email your receipt to me at so I can confirm your purchase and email you information about how to access to your bonus material.



In summary, the AI Employees review has delved into its various aspects and how it is revolutionizing modern marketing strategies. We discussed the ability to streamline processes, enhance customer engagement through personalized experiences, and provide insightful data analytics that drive innovative decision-making throughout. The tool’s efficiency in handling repetitive tasks allows human marketers to focus on more strategic initiatives.

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